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Matthew trains his focus onto the approaching footsteps; one set belonging to yours, one to Foggy. He lets out a shuttering breath, rising from his office chair. Foggy opens the door to the old, office, immediately sucking in a breath. It smells dusty in here, more than it usually did when he had worked here. Foggy remembers the last time he was here. Shit, he remembers the first time he had stepped foot in this place with his best friend. It was the beginning of what was meant to be their future together.

When he sees Matthew exiting his office, Foggy presses a tight smile to his lips. You let out a breath, watching with relief. You're about to rush up to him but he Matthew angles his head towards the door, past your head. Foggy's wearing expensive cologne. His hair has some kind of mousse product, no doubt to maintain his professional look. On his suit, Matthew can detect a faint burnt smell - Foggy's had his suited pressed or ironed. When they were in law school, they always made fun of people who cared that much.

"Foggy," Matthew mumbles, his hands suddenly uncomfortable as he stands idly, "hi."

It's like you're barely there.

"Hey, Matt," Foggy greets casually, noticing the awkwardness that filters through the air between them, "there was a good number of reporters outside but we managed to escape."

"Reporters, really?" Matt scowls, his eyebrows pinching together in distress once again. He makes a note to speak to Karen, maybe she can give him some insight into anything the Bulletin or other publishers are going to print about you.

"Yeah," Foggy shrugs, seemingly unworried, "I mean, it'll be old news soon but you know reporters, they're drama-hungry animals."

A grin makes it's way to your face and you give Foggy a shrug, meeting his lighthearted expression, "Yeah. That's fair."

Foggy smiles gently, his eyes back on Matt, "It's good to see you, Murdock."

"Yeah, you too," Matt responds quickly, the honestly and longing dripping from his voice, "thank you for being here. It... really means a lot to me, Foggy."

"Yeah. Of course," Foggy smiles comfortably now, his eyes flicking to yours, "you did well, Y/N."

"Thanks," you sigh anxiously. His certain smile and assured demeanour does nothing to quell the way your heart is aching with worry.

"Yeah?" Matt perks up a little. You look at him. He looks tense.

"Yeah, she didn't give them anything to use against her - she answered honestly and confidently," Foggy nods, "she didn't let them intimidate her - though, they did try."

"Hm." Matthew lets out a huff of air, his chest sinking, "What did they ask?"

It isn't odd, seeing Matthew work at full lawyer mode with Foggy by his side. After all, you've been in a courtroom with them many times before. But this... this is different. It feels different. You feel like you could walk out or begin shouting, flailing your arms around like an animal, and no one would even bat an eye. They're too calm. It's unsettling. When the pair finish going through your interview with Officer Cain, Matthew rises to his feet once more.

"They think she's carrying out the murders yourself, that much is obvious," Matthew mutters, pacing back and forth in the office, "They asked about your whereabouts correlating to the most recent murders. They asked you about your initial interest with the Red Light Murders. What else, Foggy? Was there anything else?"

"Deacon," you speak up now, watching as Matt tenses up slightly, "They brought him up. But they only asked whether I thought he was guilty."

"What'd you say?"

fear of god [Matt Murdock x F!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now