Happiness, girls night and stolen kisses

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You like it when it rains. You like the sound of the raindrops as they fall on the ground.

You don't know but Matt also likes the rain.

Matt also likes you.

He doesn't understand why. He doesn't understand what's happening in his heart and mind when he's near you.
Foggy keeps telling him, that what he feels is called " butterflies ". Matt never had them before, so why now? What's so special about you, that he feels drawn to you?
Foggy also tells him that he should ask you on a date, but Matt doesn't know how he feels about that. Right now, he's just happy you are around.
You agreed to give him your number for emergencies . But he knows you were hesitant. He's also happy about the painting you gave him.
He knows that you spent the whole night making that for him; he couldn't see the dark spots under your eyes that day, because you were wearing makeup but also because he's blind.
But still, he sensed the amount of products on your cheeks and you smelled like you were showered with coffee. You kind of were, since you drank three cups of coffee before lunch time.
And Matt is happy because of you, he's happy when he's around you, he's even happy when you aren't around.
You often send him voice messages with funny sounds and you send him songs that you think he'll like. He never felt this way and he knows that this, whatever it is, it's happening way to fast.

It's been a month since he met you.
A month full of little conversations, sunny days and walks to your apartment. He knows you're only being nice towards him, you're nice to everyone.
Every Friday, you started bringing coffee and homemade cookies to the Nelson&Murdock office. Matt also noticed that Karen is happy when she's around you. He knows that you and Karen would get along very well and that Karen could use someone like you, in her life.

That's why he recommended to Karen to ask you out, well not like that but here's what happened on one rainy Monday morning.
The three musketeers were in their office, and they were talking about one of their new cases and Foggy started asking Matt about you.

"Well you know her better than us, what's she like?" he asked with a curious look on his face and he continued "You should invite her to a game of pool at Josie's"

"Look, Foggy she's probably busy and why should be the one who asks her?" Matt said with an annoyed voice.
He actually asked you to hang out with them but you started talking something about your gallery and you apologized and said you can't make it.
Mat took the hint and now he doesn't want his friends to know that you rejected him, again .

"Fine, I'll talk to her. And not because you two"- Karen says and points to Matt and Foggy -"are nervous or whatever, but because I like her. She's nice, and it's nice to be around someone else other then you two".

"So, you'll ask her?" Foggy asks with a smile on his face.

"Sure, I'll go over there now" Karen says and she starts to walk away.

"Karen wait, maybe you should do a girls night. Foggy and I have work we need to get done" Matt interrupts Karen from opening the door.

"We do?" asks Foggy.

"Yeah we do, we have to talk with our client about the drug deal, remember? I told you I arranged a meeting, with the guy- Matt starts to mumble some lame excuse when

Karen says:
"Fine, you don't have to come. This way, we'll have more topics to discuss"

"Wait, you're going to talk about us?" Matt nervously asks.

"HA, no buddy. They are going to talk about you. You know that's what girls do at sleepovers." Foggy laughs.

"Yeah, he's right. I'm going to ask her, what's happening between you two"

forever is the sweetest con - Matt Murdock × reader Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin