A liar or a hero?

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"... The sky is clear; it's dark and full of light at the same time. The little stars are shining through the shades of black.- You know, when I was younger I saw a shooting star once " you interrupt yourself.

"Did your wish come true?" he asks as we're lying on the cold ground.

" I don't remember what I wished for, after all I was only six "

"If you could make a wish right now, what would you wish for?"

" Well if I wanted to sound like a cheesy-romantic, I would say something like: I wish to live in this moment forever or something, you know"
you smile and you continue:

" But to be honest, I don't have any wishes now. This is more than enough for me. So yeah, thank you for the best first date ever " you say as you turn to your side. Now you're facing Matt, and he smiles.

"Thank you for giving me an another chance, and thank you for describing the sky for me"

" Don't say that, I'm terrible at describing things " you shyly laugh.

"You did great"

You are clearly not a poet.
But to Matt Murdock,
you are everything in this very moment.

You are the beautiful, friendly and funny artist, who has a small gallery next to his office. You are Karen's new best friend.
You are the reason for many laughs at Josie's. And you are the only thing that's stuck in Matt's mind for the last few weeks. You are also an honest person, well sometimes and Matt likes that quality, because Matt is a liar. And he knows that.

He's not the definition of a liar, but he hides the truth and that's the same thing.
He didn't tell you the real reason, or any reason at all for why he missed your date.
I mean, how could he say that he's the famous Devil of Hell's Kitchen. Or that he's the protector of the innocent New Yorkers and bystanders from the local crimes and from all the evil around. That's not something he can tell people, especially people he cares about. He made the decision to keep his identity private, so he can protect the few people he loves in his life.

And some people, would say that he's a hero.

But in his mind, Matt thinks he's just a liar.


The night he missed the date,
He followed a new lead that's connected to Villa, the woman that worked in an anther law firm that represented Fisk in trial. They have some complicated history. Mat believes that she's working with him on something bigger. He's not sure on his theory, but he's close.

He was also attacked by two fighters and they were, well strong. Matt had spent the whole night at Claire's , his friend and a local nurse that has helped him, many times now. He was grateful for her. And most importantly he was grateful for you.


"Should we go now?" he asks you with a low voice, and you think that he's scared. And maybe he is. And in a way, you're too. Because, neither of you want to go home, this night is perfect, and secretly you don't want it to end.

" Sure, will you walk me home? " of course you can walk there alone, and of course he knows that.
But Matt likes the sound of your heart when you get nervous, he likes the rhythm of your voice and of course, he agrees.

The walk to your apartment is nice. You talk and joke about something you've mentioned earlier.
The night is young, and so are you. So the night doesn't end when you get in front of your building, and you ask:

" Hey, Matthew do you maybe want to stay over? "
but as you ask, Matt noticed that you aren't nervous anymore, if anything your heartbeat has never been more steady.

"Yeah, I would like that" he slowly smiles, takes you by the waist and kisses you.

(Here's another short chapter... we're moving somewhere, finally! Also this "Villa" is a made up character. I'm trying to add more storyline/ twists into this story... and yeah, how is that going so far?)
Also have a nice day/night, all my love a 🏹

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