S.H.I.E.L.D and slow car rides

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" Shield, you haven't heard about it? "

"I have, I have. I'm just shocked. I thought you were an artist or something. I have a lot of questions. Can we change the topic back to Foggy and Karen being in danger?"

" Oh yeah that. Don't worry as we're speaking some of our agents are outside their apartments, watching over them. They are safe for now "

"What is the plan? Tell me everything you know about Villa"

. . .

"So yeah, that's everything. You ready to go now?"


Matt felt like he was in a dream, well a twisted dream. A dream he couldn't see, a dream that was meant to be felt. And sometimes that could be good, but right now he wasn't feeling like it.
He was in his own nightmare
or as he would say it:
He was in his own hell.
And his friends got dragged into his hell-hole too.

He knows what he needs to do. He needs your help, even though he doesn't trust you anymore, maybe he never did.
You hoped he never did, hoped his pain wasn't that deep and that his anger would fade.

"I'm ready. But just to be clear, after tonight I want you out of my life"

" Understandable. -
But wait, I need to make a quick phone call "


" Jemma? " you ask.

"Where are you? Are you all right?"

" Finally " you sigh. For the first time in months you can freely talk to your best friend. Her voice, her British accent calms you down. You've known Jemma Simmons for few years now. She walked into your life, right in the moment when you most needed a friend. With her sweet smile, and kind eyes she welcomed you into her family, her team. Well more like Coulson's team.
Right from the start you were impressed with her curios mind, and her inelegance. Same with Fitz, Leo Fitz to be more clear. Those two are soul mates, you knew it from the start. They needed more time to figure that out. In the past few years you watched two of your closest friends, who are very incredibly smart people try to figure out that they are in love. Ah, love. That's a funny feeling. And maybe a story for another time.

Right now all you cared about was to see your friends, also to make sure Matt's friends were safe.

" I'm fine. Earlier I contacted few agents to make sure Karen Page and Foggy Nelson are safe. They are Matt's friend. Don't know how much you know, but they are in danger, so is he. I was just telling him the plan, I also need to contact Coulson too. I think he's going to kill me "- you stared to talk in 3x speed. You weren't sure if you were exited or nervous about everything that was about to happen. You should probably be nervous.

"Slow down. Also Coulson is here, next to me. We're on our way to New York right now"

You start to hear low voices from the other line and finally here it comes. . .

"Agent, you are done the moment this mission is over. We're going to talk about this later, but till than make sure you're safe and go to the given location. Simmons is sending you the location, as we're speaking"

" It's great to hear your voice too " you say, and this is not even a lie. You're deeply scared to lose your job, and from all the conversations you will have to have with Coulson. But you are still exited to see him, and your team.

"It's good to hear you too" he mumbles.

" I have to hang up now. Will see you soon " you end the call, as you notice Matt.
Of course he overheard your conversation.

"What's the location?" he asks as he holds the keys, ready to leave his apartment.
You check your messages and say:

" We have to meet them at the High Bridge, also I got a text from an agent. Karen and Foggy are safe. If anything goes wrong, they will be moved in a safe house, If you're ready we should go now "


You like driving. It's one of your favorite things. You can feel it every time.
The slight winds on your face, as you roll the windows down. The calm in your body,
the beats of your heart. The silence filled with all your unsaid thoughts.
It feels like peace. Every time you drive.

But right now? You've forgotten all about peace as you take a quick glance at Matt. He has been awfully quiet the whole ride. Well what can he say? "So I know you broke my heart even though I only met you few months ago. But I had the time of my life with you. I forgive you for all your mistakes and accept you". But of course he can't say that, he won't.

He's hurt, and more than that. You understand that.

But one of the things you don't like, is this. You don't like this. Not talking to Matt. You should apologize or at least ask him if he's nervous or ANYTHING. But as soon as you try to open your mouth, your tongue twists your words and you say NOTHING.
As you think about something to say, Matt interrupts your thoughts.

"I think we're being followed"

(Sorry for a late update... but it's safe to say we are arriving to the endgame... few chapters are left. And I know this chapter is kind of boring, but I needed to mention Jemma × Fitz ... in case you don't know, they are characters from Agents of SHIELD.

Thanks for reading this story and I'll hopefully see you again in the next update!! Have a nice dayyy!)

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