Training with the master

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Phillip:ok why don't each of you guys go for me
(Philip puts on shades and gloves)
Phillip:ok so Caden is going to try to control me and Emmi is going to try and kick me
(Phillip grabs a sheet out of his satchel and throws it on top of Caden)
Caden:my powers are canceled out
(Philip then puts his gloves up and creates a shield)
(Emmi kicks but get knocked back by the shield)
Issac:move Emmi I got him
(Issac turns into a rhino)
(Philip quickly gets out of the way just as Issac breaks his shield)
(Issac gets himself stick in the opposite wall)
Phillip:good I have time now
(Phillip sees a platter and grabs it)
Rodger:time to face the thunder
(Rodger shoots at him)
(Philip let's Rodger shoot the platter and then throws it at Issac and knocks him out)
(Phillip then shots a white beam back at Rodger)
Rodger:no I'm stronger
(Rodger starts shooting the lightning again)
(The lightning hits the white beam and a huge ball lights up)
(The dust settles)
(Rodger tries his gloves again)
Rodger:oh great the one thing I got it's not working anymore
Phillip:don't worry it only disabled them temporarily
(Ember tries to swing at him but he ducks grabs embers arm and throws her at Caden who just got the sheet off of him
(Emmi gets up and tries to charge at him)
(She gets knocked back again)
Emmi:he too strong e can't beat him
Alexis.there's only one thing to do

Microphone:team attack is always the way to go

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