Putting the new abilities to use

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(2 hours later)
Emmi:this is stupid I really want to see my secret ability
(Emmi tries to open the door)
Rodger:don't try it bolted shut and sealed with magic
Emmi:I don't believe in magic and I am the strongest person in my school not even the strongest boy can move my arm in arm wrestling and the strongest girl other than me moved my arm and inch but then I took her down immediately
Rodger:still it won't work because magic is real
(Emmi sits down frustrated)

Issac:ok maybe I can find a way to diffuse the magic so then we can all start training
Alexis:yeah I really want to
(Alexis finishes her taco)
Issac:what where did u get taco
Alexis:I had it before I got blasted
Issac: I still have questions about that Phillip guy

(Caden sees a video game system)
Caden:cool I still have my universal controller
(He presses his button and the door opens)
Emmi:great job gamer geek
Alexis:what did you wish for
Caden:to control stuff in reality
Alexis:maybe all of our abilities are answered
Ember:he did say he made our lives a bit better
Issac:wait that means
(Issac shape shifts into a dog)
Emmi:really a dog
Issac:just testing it out
Rodger:I don't feel afraid at the world anymore
(He picks up a lead pipe)
Rodger:I have no ability so I need a weapon
(Emmi does a flip kick)
Emmi:cool now I can crush my enemies much quicker
Caden to Alexis and ember:I'm glad we are on her side

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