The unknown outsider

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Issac:ok so I am an outsider and yes maybe I have only had two friends ever in my life but I am worth something I still have a meaning in this world but there was a time I list both of my friends Lisa two years ago and lance 4 years ago more on that later anyway I needed friends because my parents disowned me at a young age because they thought I gave dishonor on the royal name well news flash just because our last name is "royal" does not mean we are perfect in every way man my life has been a roller coaster that always is going downhill and will keep going downhill until I die

(A shooting star appears)

Issac:ok well I guess I could change my appearance in a matter of seconds
(A beam of light goes around Isaac)
Issac: what's this I'm not ready to die yet
(Issac tries to move but is immediately pinned back by the beam)
Issac:well I guess the world has thrown enough curve balls at me and decide to top it off with my death
(The beam explodes into an orange haze and knocks Issac out)

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