Hello test subjects

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(Alexis wakes up in all purple)
Alexis:what am I wearing oh good I still have my taco
(Ember wakes up in all blue)
Ember:who are you
Alexis:oh I'm Alexis and you
Ember:I'm ember nice to meet you
(Caden Wales up covered in green)
(Caden feels his mask)
Caden:cool I always wanted to be something like the green arrow
(Caden sees Alexis and ember)
Caden:oh hello ladies I'm Caden I have a pretty horrible life but at least I learned that the strongest are the only ones that survive
(Emmi wakes up covered in red)
Emmi:oh cool the color of the insides of my enemies
(Caden, ember and Alexis back away slowly)
(Issac wakes up covered in orange)
Issac:really come on I hate orange well at least I have a Bandana
(Rodger wakes up covered in yellow)
Rodger:what where am I and why am I not scared

(A figure appears in the doorway)
Emmi:who are you
Rodger:whoever it is I'm not scared
Issac:ladies stay behind me I'll take him down

Phillip:you would not want to do that after what I have done to you
Caden:and what was that exactly
Phillip:granted all your wishes of course
Issac:wait you were the shooting star
Phillip:well it was this ship actually
Ember:but there are only 6 of us on this ship why do us six
Alexis:because of our backgrounds
Rodger:what are you talking about
Alexis:I don't know about you guys but my life is pretty much in ruins
Everyone else:same
Phillip:I decided to make your lives just a little bit better
Issac:really how
Emmi:why do t you just shut up and listen to him
Phillip:oh you guys will find out but rest now we will train later

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