Finding philip

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Issac:Caden you go with Emmi and Rodger I'll protect these two
(Caden's group goes left)
(Issacs group goes right)
(Caden sees a group of 15 guys)
Caden:each of us get 5
(This guy takes out a shock stick and charges at Caden)
(Caden starts mashing buttons to try and control him)
(Caden opens his eyes and sees a guy frozen a few inches away)
Caden:nope you work for me now
(Caden makes the guy shock his other 4 guys)
(Emmi gets surrounded)
Emmi:come at me
(Emmi gets jumped)
Guard:where is she
Guard 2:I got her leg
Emmi:what's up fellas
(Emmi is standing up with all the guard in a pig pile)
Emmi:you should get some rest
(Emmi kicks them all and knock them out)
Guard:heh you only have a pipe and I have a sword
Rodger:I'm not scared of you
(Roger throws the pipe at him and the guard drops his sword)
(Rodger grabs the sword and takes out the last 5)

Issac:look there's Phillip
(Phillip motions for Aaron and Aiden to take them out)
(Aaron gets in a boxing position)
Issac:oh ok wait a sec
(Issac shape shifts into a kangaroo)
(Issac duck twice then knock Arron out)
(Aiden starts shooting arrows at ember)
Ember:no I don't have a power
(Ember is able to do a dance move under the arrows)
Ember:wait a sec the power of dance
(Ember does a triple flip then knocks Aiden out  with dance fighting)
(Phillip stats to run away)
(Alexis sees that)
(All of a sudden that super charge of what she said sends a gust of wind from her voice and hits Phillip and knocks him out)
Issac:wait all 6 of us has powers

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