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"Being ready is not what matters. What matters is winning after you get there."

-Lieutenant General Victor H. Krulak

It was Monday morning and the people living in the city wasted no time to hustle, get to work or go to school.

However there is a certain silver haired omega sleeping peacefully with a soft pout adorning his lips.

Well that was until his mother woke him up in a not very nice way.

"Taehyung, get your lazy ass up boy!"

Mrs Kim shouted in her obnoxiously loud voice that pierces through her omega son's ears.

The silver hair whimpers at the voice and cowers under his fluffy blanket.

He simply wasn't fond of loud noises, they somehow pained his sensitive ears.

Taehyung wearily sat up on the bed, rubbing away the sleep from his puffy, red eyes.

He then yawns softly and stretches his limbs getting rid of his tiredness.

Last Night, he did not get a brink of a sleep.

There were rumors of the Night Dragons being in his village and he had assignments to complete.

Sighing to himself he stood up and left to complete his morning routines.

He then remembers that it's Friday and he had classes, whining to himself he quickly dresses in an oversized hoodie and makes his way down.

As Taehyung enters the dining room his father greets him a warm 'Good Morning' and ushers him to have breakfast.

This is one reason Taehyung loves being an Omega, he was proud in fact of every little thing God has blessed him with.

His mother, however, wasn't so fond of him behaving childishly or whatever the case maybe but she did love him.

"Taehyung, what did I tell you about waking up early?"

Mrs Kim asked the omega, her voice stern as ever breaking the comfortable silence.

Taehyung, who jumps at the sudden question, drops his spoon and replies softly.

"Always be on time." He replied.

"Seems like you haven't understood yet, your brother already left for work while you were sleeping."

The woman replied sharply but was stopped by his father who gestured to him to go to classes.

Right he has a bigger brother whom he cherishes a lot, his mother always seems to compare them and Taehyung was always the ill-mannered son.

Probably his mother favored Jin the most since he is a beta and has a reputable job as a doctor.


Walking through the college's gate was dreadful especially when you don't have a friend besides you.

Taehyung walks aimlessly as he plays with his hoodie strings, humming a tune to distract him from glaring eyes.

Every school has a batch of students who always cause trouble and Taehyung doesn't want to get in their way.

Walking for five minutes he notices Jimin at the end of the hall trying to pack his bulky books in his locker.

Taehyung giggles at the scene.

It was so funny to see his short best friend struggling with a locker that was higher than his height.

"Hey Chim, need some help?"

Taehyung chirps at Jimin who huffs and puffs at his own attempts.

"Please." The blonde hair omega pleaded, totally giving up the pain now kicking in on his arms.

"Sure Chimmy, just because you're cute."

Taehyung replies smiling when he hears Jimin chuckles before throwing back a comment at him.

"Like you aren't cute."

The annoying school bell rang causing them both to whine, since they are not doing the same course they will be separated.


Taehyung sat in class taking out his art supplies as requested by his teacher, smiling shyly at the alpha girl sitting beside him.

"Hi, I am Lisa Manoban, nice to meet you."

The alpha girl introduces herself as she holds out her hands for a handshake.

Sure they knew each other as they had the same classes, just they didn't speak to one another.

"H-hi, I a-am Taehyung, Kim Taehyung and the pleasure is mine."

Taehyung says as his cheeks reddens when they shake hands, he was very shy when it came to new people.

"You are a cute one."

He hears Lisa mutters causing him to stutter a cute thank you before they continue their work.

As a habit of concentrating Taehyung always stuck his tongue out between his pinkish lips as he let his hand flow along the white page.

He didn't care one bit if people judged him quietly, he just let them.


The day had finished so quickly that Taehyung didn't even realise as he and Lisa clicked immediately and became friends.

At lunch he and Jimin met up and he got the chance to introduce Lisa to him and guess what, two extroverts equally chaotic.

College finished an hour ago yet Taehyung found himself walking through the lonely alleyway because of his mother.

She had called him after college claiming she needed a few things from the bakery shop.

The alleyway alone creeped him out, causing him to dart his doe-eyes at each dark corner.

But the sound of muffled whimpers made him break out in a sweat, he walked slowly and hid behind a tank.

Waiting for the noise to stop because there is no way he will be able to do anything by himself, he suddenly feels eyes piercing at the back of his head.

Afraid to turn around he squeezes his eyes close and trembles, he definitely knew it was a man and not a werewolf.

Automatically Taehyung eyes flashes blue as he was terrified out of is mind.

"Well look at what i found."

The figure behind him spoke, his voice disgusting as ever and he knew from the shadow on the ground the man had a knife.

Taehyung immediately wails as the man raises him by his hair and knocks him on his forehead.

Feeling liquid running down his forehead he smelt blood, he was bleeding.

Suddenly adrenaline kicked in as he slapped the man across his face and stumped on his feet before running ahead.

"You piece of shit!"

The man muttered before running after Taehyung.

While running for his life he notices a group of men circling a woman as they slice her neck, he couldn't help but scream at the gruesome sight.

His feet took him straight to the police station, grabbing a hold of a policeman before telling him what he saw and then passed out from dizziness.

How was this chapter?

I am new to werewolf au so bare with me.

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