Scared of bikes.

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"Being ready is not what matters. What matters is winning after you get there."

-(Lieutenant General Victor H. Krulak, USMC, April 1965.)

"For the last time Kim, get on the fucking bike"

Jungkook growled out eyes flashing gold at the stubborn omega, they were standing at the headquarters for the past fifteen minutes wasting time.

"For the last time Jeon, I told you I am scared ok."

Taehyung replied softly, voice cracking and tears were forming in the corner of his eyes as his frustration built up.

A motorbike was one of the vehicles Taehyung was scared of riding on and he didn't get why the Trueblood was forcing him when they came in a car in the first place.

"Fine, you can sit at the front, I will guide you and won't let you fall."

Jungkook softly replied when he saw the omega got overwhelmed, he had a feeling that people might be tracking them so he switched vehicles but never knew Kim was this frightened.

"Fine, just don't ride too fast, it's my first time as well."

Taehyung replied quite upset Jeon didn't change his mind.

"C'mere , put your right leg over the bike and I will do the rest, yeah."

Jungkook directed him as he grabbed hold of the omega by his slim waist, hoisting him onto the bike.

Taehyung shrieked at the sudden hands holding his waist, before he knew it he was lifted into the air and was softly placed onto the bike.

Taehyung shivers at Trueblood's breath resting at his nape before feeling a hard chest pressed firmly against his back.

Jungkook was finally settled when he mistook Taehyung's shivering as him being cold, so as a gentleman he took off his leather jacket and placed it onto the omega's shoulder.

Taehyung jumped a bit as the jacket grazed his shoulders before sighing softly at the warm, okay he was probably cold.

The omega was still in his hospital gown and the cheap cloth wasn't providing any sort of warmth.

"Thank you."

He mutters softly to the Trueblood who hums in response as he revs the engine and starts the bike heading towards their destination.

"Shh, relax."

Jungkook mutters against the omega head when he feels the omega would tense and sunken into his chest when they would ride over a bumpy part of the road.

Taehyung who heard him sighs softly as he decides to stay against the Trueblood's chest as support.

At Least the Trueblood wasn't being too arrogant. Taehyung thought to himself enjoying the warmth coming from the leather jacket and mostly the Trueblood.


They arrived at the apartment about thirty minutes or so, it was actually closer to the headquarters than the actual police station.

Upon entering the apartment Taehyung noticed it was big enough to hold three persons yet it only had one bedroom.

'You gotta be kidding me' Taehyung thought, he was definitely not good at sharing a bed as he cuddles and grabs onto anything.

"Make yourself at home, Kim"

Jungkook said, breaking the silver hair out of his thoughts, Taehyung nodded as he headed towards the kitchen he assumed to be.

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