Iron Bat Volume 1 Issue 1

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Bruce Stark looked from his tower and thought of the night his parents were taking from him  it was a normal day. Him and his parents Richard Stark and Martha Stark had just finished a movie and were walking down an alley when they were suddenly shot. During their funeral Bruce fell into a hole were he found a whole bunch of bats and decided they would be his spirit animal. Bruce would often come to his A.I. servant Alfred Jarvis and see him for advice, not that Bruce would listen to any of it as he was so traumatized he would become depressed and drown out his sorrows with alcohol. He would also turn his father's company Stark Enterprises into a weapons manufacturing company so no one would lose their families again. One day he went to a European country to show off a new missile his family created, directly after that happened the truck escorting him would be blown up by the same missile he showed off. He would then be captured by Ras Wenwu and his 10 Leagues of Assassins, they were sent to kill him but Ras saw the potential in young Bruce and instead trained him. However Ras wanted to also train Bruce to kill and Bruce disliked that and knew he had to escape so Bruce made a suit out of metal and one day escaped. He would then be found by Colonel Jim Rhodes his best friend, when Bruce got home he called back all weapons manufactured by Stark Enterprises and then continued working on his Iron Bat suit making it bigger and better.

 He would then be found by Colonel Jim Rhodes his best friend, when Bruce got home he called back all weapons manufactured by Stark Enterprises and then continued working on his Iron Bat suit making it bigger and better

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Harvey Stane, Bruce's business partner disagreed with this decision and tried to convince Bruce into not doing it. Eventually while working on his Iron Bat suit he would hear on the news that his old friends were keeping a family hostage and that the military couldn't do anything about it. So at night Bruce used his suit and flew over and defeated all his 10 LOA friends, Bruce hated doing it but couldn't bare to see them hurt people anymore. However doing this would gain the military on his tail and he had to call his friend Jim Rhodes to tell him to stop them which Jim would. After Bruce returned from home he would relax a bit as he had stopped the villains he needed to stop. Meanwhile Bruce's assistant Victoria Potts had become suspicious of Harvey, as it turned out Harvey was the one who hired Ras Wenwu to kidnap and kill Bruce. She even overheard a conversation between the 2 talking about killing Bruce however Ras refused due to seeing the potential in Bruce. So Harvey started working on a suit of his own that looked like him, you see Harvey while supervising the weapon construction had been blown up by an accident. This disfigured half of his body making on part purple and stuck in place with the other part normal and also gave disassociative identity disorder with the purple part of him being the dominant personality. Harvey wanted revenge on Stark and felt this was his fault and the revenge he planned was by having Bruce mysteriously killed like his parents and then taking over the company in his own name. Eventually Harvey would find out that Victoria knew of his plan and captured her and then broadcasted his messaged calling himself the Two-Faced Monger. Bruce as fast he could go into his iron suit and flew up to Harvey not knowing it was him and demanded he let go of Victoria which he did by dropping her so Bruce flew as fast as he could and grabbed Victoria and the fight began. The 2 began fighting each other Bruce blast him in the face and Harvey blasting Bruce in the face the 2 hitting each other with Harvey obviously being the strongest. Eventually Bruce was weakened by Harvey and even had his mask knocked off and Harvey revealed himself breaking Bruce's heart. He asked why his father's best friend betrayed him but Harvey then revealed he has disassociative identity disorder and that his purple side the strongest personality wanted to be boss. Bruce now saw that Harvey was sick and obviously needed mental help but refused it Bruce however saw a button on the suit that he had put when he owned the suit in case it went out of control so after distracting Harvey he pressed the button turning the suit off. Harvey couldn't stand losing and didn't want to go to prison and so instead chose the easy way out blowing his own brains out. After that Vicky helped Bruce heal and Bruce was told to tell the public that he wasn't Iron Bat and that instead it was a body guard like his other best friend Ace Hogan. Bruce new that the public wouldn't believe this for long but still wanted to keep his identity secret in order to keep the friends and family he still had alive.

The next day Bruce would be visited by a man named Nick Waller who wanted to invite Bruce to be apart of a team he was putting together.

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