American Soldier Volume 1 Issue 1

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The year is 1939 and World War II has begun and a young boy named Clark Rogers wants to join the fight, little do people or even Clark himself know but he's from another planet. This planet's name was Krypton, Clark's real name was Kal-El and he had parents named Jor-El and Lara-El however his planet was dying so Clark was sent to Earth in a rocket ship where he was found by 2 city people named Jonathan and Martha Rogers. They raised Clark the best they could and told him that if he could do good to do good, his parents later died due to health difficulties. Which Clark also apparently had. The real reason for his health difficulties was that his body was not used to Earth's atmosphere and he had not unlocked his true powers making him feel weak and look weak so weak he looked like you could whistle and he'd be blown 1,000 miles away. However Clark wanted to do his part and get into the military but due to how weak he was they all refused him, Clark also had a best friend named James Peter Todd. Unlike Clark, James had gotten accepted on his first try and was given the nickname Sparrow and was sometimes nicknamed Spider-Bird. James was nicknames this for how cool, fast, and awesome he even had a cool whistle similar to a sparrow. He even had a cool costume.

Clark however wouldn't give up he believed that if he had the ability to do good he should do it like his parents taught him

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Clark however wouldn't give up he believed that if he had the ability to do good he should do it like his parents taught him. Eventually a scientist came to him named Abraham Erskine, Erskine had had found a yellow rock nicknamed X-K that he had turned into a serum called the Super X-K Soldier Serum. He wanted to see if Clark was worthy to have the powers of the serum, however the general couldn't see what Erskine saw in Clark a powerful young man that while weak in body was strong in soul and spirit. Eventually however Clark was chosen while at the military Clark met a beautiful woman named Lois Carter, a woman who was trying to work her way up the ranks during World War II. Clark liked Lois however he was currently more focused on his military work, eventually he gained the serum and it turned Clark into a skinny weak little boy into a superhuman man. Clark now had super strength so much so he could lift up an entire skyscraper with one finger, super speed so fast he was fast than a speeding bullet, flight, and many other abilities. However upon receiving these powers a Hydra assassin killed Erskine and stole the serum using, Clark used his new abilities and despite not being used to them was able to catch up to the assassin named Heinz Kruger. Upon catching the traitor he bit a cyanide pill and died, now that Clark had powers and was stronger than ever it seemed like he was going to be used to fight in the war. However the general didn't allow it as despite Clark's new powers he didn't think one man would be able to fight an entire army and instead had to draw blood from him. Due to the new serum they couldn't use regular needles as Clark's skin was now so enhanced that if they even tried a regular needle would break. So they had to lace their needles with something called Kryptonite a rock similar to X-K which they found, this hurt Clark a little but not as much. Clark begged the general for a chance to show his mettle in the battle field but he refused so Clark got hired for a "Let's Go Sell Some War Bonds Show". Clark didn't like this and felt as though he was being used the only part he enjoyed about this was how he made all the children smile by knocking out Adolf Hitler. However when he heard that his best friend James Todd got captured, he ran over to the general and demanded to save him but the general refused. Clark on the other hand wouldn't take no for an answer and with help from Lois and Richard Stark managed to fly onto the battle field. Using his heat vision he quickly knocked the guards out and freed all the prisoners, then he found James who had been exposed to a version of the X-K serum. While trying to run away, Clark and James ran into a man known as Johann Luthor, Clark had heard of Johann he had welcomed Abraham into his division but also forced Abraham to use the serum on him. This had disastrous consequences, Johann had also stolen an ancient artifact called the Tesseract which was rumored to have an infinity box inside it. Clark and Johann fought however Clark was surprised to find out that Johann was nearly as strong as him even though his version of the serum was incomplete. Johann then took his own face off revealing a green skull like face, after the meeting Johann and his second in command Arnim Graves. Clark then used his new found powers to fly himself along with James out of there, then the trapped soldiers and Clark went back to the base. The general thanked Clark and instead of punishing him promoted him to captain however James called "American Soldier" just like in his little show and the name stuck. Richard immediately began working on a new outfit and shield for Clark and within a few hours it was done.

Now that Rogers was ready the battle could really begin , him and his team began fighting HYDRA and Luthor's soldiers

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Now that Rogers was ready the battle could really begin , him and his team began fighting HYDRA and Luthor's soldiers. They easily managed to put all of his mean down and take down all his bases each time angering Luthor more and more. Luthor each time getting angrier so he set up a trap for Rogers and his squad, which the trap both failed and worked it worked in stopping one of the members of Rogers' squad that member being James Todd but failed in stopping the entirety of his squad and American Soldier managed to take Arnim Graves. After Arnim was interrogated they managed to find out Johann's next plan and so chased after him with Rogers making it onto the plan but not before kissing Lois Carter. After making it on the plane which was going to drops nukes on earth it was time for a battle between Johann and Clark which Clark nearly lost if it weren't for Johann accidentally defeating himself by being teleported by a boom tube from the tesseract. Clark not wanting the bombs to kill anyone had no choice but to crash the plan saying goodbye to Lois before doing so. Clark was thought to be dead for years when in the 20th century he was found by some explorers there he med Nick Waller who told him what time zone he was in and gave him an assignment.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Apr 08, 2022 ⏰

नए भागों की सूचना पाने के लिए इस कहानी को अपनी लाइब्रेरी में जोड़ें!

Amalgam: Tales of Another Universe (MCU Style)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें