INTRO: Eloise Love Randall

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 Eloise Love Randall is the eldest daughter of the six beautiful children of George and Peggy Randall

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Eloise Love Randall is the eldest daughter of the six beautiful children of George and Peggy Randall. Though both her parents have brown eyes and blonde hair and fair skin, Eloise, along with the rest of her siblings we're all born with crystal blue eyes and brunette hair.

She was raised in a modest home in the heart of Houston, Texas. Her up brining was fortunate than most. Her father worked in the construction business and he owned the second largest construction business in all of Houston. Even though her family was fortunate, she remained humble and kind. She was never the flashy type, though she very well could have been.

Eloise was very popular during her schooling years. She attended private schools through out her life and made good grades and lots of friends. After graduating high school, Eloise went off to the most prestigious medical school in Texas. She was determined to make good grades and was constantly studying. She was always seen around campus with her head in books and a heavily loaded book bag filled with papers. Her social statues remained the same throughout high school and into college so she was always invited to the biggest and grandest parties. But, keeping up with her schooling was her top priority.

Once Eloise graduated, she moved out of her parents home and into her own one bedroom apartment in the rapidly growing Houston downtown.

Eloise kept her home neat and tidy. Every morning she made her bed, brushed her teeth, washed her face, styled her hair, did simple make up and threw on some clothes, cleaning up after herself as she got ready for her day. Her go to outfit is always a button up shirt with collars, the pear necklace her parents gave her on her eighteenth birthday, fitted pants or a skirt depending on what she had planned that day and lace up shoes or flats.

Her breakfast consisted of: toast, scrambled eggs, yogurt, fresh fruit and water. Eloise wasn't much of a coffee, soda or juice drinker. Her parents were firm believers in those beverages rotting your teeth early on in life so they never gave their children anything but water.

Because Eloise was a nurse, she worked 3 day out of a week. The normal work schedule of a nurse. So she had four days to do as she pleased.

If it were a pretty warm day on her day off, Eloise would take her bike and ride around a near by park and stop to feed some ducks in a pond or even have a picnic. If it was a cold rainy day, she'd stay in and do extra cleaning or organizing. She'd have her small radio playing jazz music loud enough to where the music could be heard around her house as she did her chores.

On the days she worked Eloise would go about her normal morning routine. She packed her lunch bag and set out to work. Luckily her work commute was no more than 10 minutes from her apartment. She was always early to work. She'd like to take advantage of the time she had to prepare for her busy day she'd spend standing on her feet. She'd look over her patients charts twice or more and take notes from the night nurse before her.

One day, Eloise had a patient who had suffered an allergic reaction to nuts. It was a young man, in his early twenties like herself and was very handsome. Much like herself, he had beautiful blue eyes with the smallest shade of grey, dark brown hair and fair skin. Though he was an adult, she noticed he struggled to take his medication. Not because he had a physical disability to do so but because he'd gag when he'd swallow the liquid or pill. Trying not to laugh as she saw him struggle, Eloise hid her face behind her clip board. The young man soon caught on to what she was doing and became embarrassed. She excused herself and tried to help him by recommending him to him to sing his ABC's while he took his medication. To keep his mind off of gagging. The young man smiled and did as Eloise told him to and successfully took his medication with out gagging. The two laughed and thus began the beginning of Eloise first love.

His name was Jack Johnson. The eldest son of the richest family in Houston. His father owned the up and coming energy plant on the outskirts of the city.

After they meet, Jack was discharged from the hospital and went home. The two wrote letters to one another frequently. Jack was the first man Eloise meet that she had really liked. Through her schooling and college, Eloise occasionally went on dates but they were never that serious. The dates were usually set of by her girlfriends who tried to encourage her to get out more. But Eloise always knew she wanted to become a nurse and rather stick to her studies than going on none sense dates with men.

She had goals to achieve.

Now that Eloise was a nurse she no longer had an excuse to not go on dates. She had set out to do what she always wanted to do. She finished collage, got a job and a home. Maybe, she thought, it's time I settle down and start a family.

Eloise loved Jack.

There was no doubt in her mind she didn't love him. But, after a year and a half courting, why did she still feel like there was more she had yet to do or experience?

Jack asked Eloise to marry him on their two year anniversary and she said yes.

But she still couldn't shake the feeling she had welling in her heart.

Then the US entered into World War II.

Eloise did not hesitate to enlist herself into the army. She didn't consider talking to her fiancé and soon to be husband nor did she console with family about it. She knew that this, this was what her heart had been telling her.

Jack, of course, was so understanding. He knew Eloise would be the first to enlist and go off to enemy lines and help fight. Eloise was so selfless and fearless. He loved that so much about her and just wanted her happy. Even though he too would have wished to enlist, he would have been denied due to asthma. So what more could he do for his country than to watch his one true love walk into an airplane and fly off into the war.

Alas, Jack stayed home while his fiancé went off into the war.

Although Jack wrote to Eloise as often as he could, Eloise would not have much time to read Jacks's helpless love letters to her. She was far to busy tending to wounded soldiers in Hawaii.

Japan had just bombed Pearl Harbor and attacked all of the hospitals. President Roosevelt had sent legions of nurses to the island of Oahu. Never before has Eloise seen so much carnage in such a beautiful place.

Nevertheless, she stuck to what she knew and helped in any way she could.

She helped preform countless amputations, surgeries and blood transfusions.

At one point, the military asked the nurses to give their own blood in order to help the wounded soldiers. Then they began to ask any well and able soldiers who survived to donate

And then Captain Mason Alexander McCawley, one of the United States best Naval Pilots in the Pacific fleet.

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