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June 1942

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June 1942

After one of Eloise's many bike strolls, she stopped at a park to eat some lunch.

It was her off day.

The sun shined bright against her olive skin while the crisp salty see breeze swept thru her long brown hair.

When she finished her lunch, Eloise walked  to the shore for a quick dip in the water.

Eloise had worn her swim suit under her clothes almost always now that she lived in Hawaii. It was something any Hawaiian resident did considering the ocean was always a few steps away.

Maybe, had her life turned out differently, she would have loved to plant some roots her on the island and leave her old life behind in Texas.

She felt so carefree on the island. There was always so much to do and so much see. Hawaii was a place so rich of culture and colors compared to Texas.

It would have been nice to start a new life.

But, unfortunately for Eloise, her time on the island was soon coming to an end.

The island was no where where near what it had use to be before the war began but things were starting to come around again. So she was told at least.

Every week that went by, she'd have less and less patients. Until the once crowded infirmary room once again had vacant beds.

The injured began to heal and the assistance of the countless recruited nurses were no longer in dyer need.

Eloise off days began two days a week, to three and then to four.

It felt like Eloise had all the time in the world to do what ever she wanted.

Something she really wasn't use to.

She enjoyed staying busy with work and even with chores on her off days. It all felt so taboo to her.

But, what surprised her the most was, she liked it, maybe a little too much.


Eloise was in her cabin writing Jack when sirens began to blare from a distant air field.

This signal was an indication of a incoming squadron of planes approaching.

Eloise set down her pen and paper and joined her roommates as they watched the crowd of sir craft pass by their cabin.

It was just some US NAVY planes so she wasn't sure what the big commotion was about.

"What's going on?"

Eloise asked aloud.

"You didn't hear?"

A woman asked.

"Hear about what?"

"Roosevelt sent some the best navy pilots on a secret mission. I think they've returned. It has to be."

Deloris answers coming to Eloise side.

"Mason was a part of the squadron."


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2022 ⏰

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