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 Eloise's life was beginning to make less and less sense these days

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Eloise's life was beginning to make less and less sense these days.

She had always felt sure of her self and the decision she'd made. Never once did she regret a choice because she always knew where that choice would untimely lead her to. She was never caught off guard from a decision because she always stayed one, two, three steps ahead.

What Eloise did not expect was not hear or see from Mason for the next two week with out warning.

Eloise found her eyes glued to the clock while she worked. She couldn't wait to get off work so she could go home and check her mail box or even visit the Hulla Bar and spot Mason.

She began to think he was hiding from her.

Maybe because she had found out about Amanda.

Not that it should have bothered her while Eloise herself was betrothed. She's not allowed to be jealous while engaged, right? After all...she wasn't married.

Eloise's head was in the clouds and she needed to snap out of it.


So, in typical Eloise Love Randal fashion, she did the one thing that always helped clear her mind.

Eloise went for a stroll on her bike.


Eloise knew marrying Jack would allow her to have a secure and happy life. With her fixated career and Jack's father soon passing down his CEO mantle to his son, Eloise knew they could live more than comfortably.

Jack was a respectful young man. He definitely had that souther charm about him that Eloise loved. He was kind, gentle and understanding. He never questioned the decisions Eloise made. He knew her too well to know she wasnt careless or rambunctious.

If anything, the two were one-in-the-same. 

Jack accompanied his father on business meetings, trips and other ventures ever since he could remember. In a way, Jack's father was conditioning his son for the family business. Jack was always very attentive of his father during business meetings. He watched how his father spoke to clients. How his father always stood tall and up right with one hand in his pocket and the other out as he spoke.

Jack soon began to mimic his fathers mannerisms until he ultimately became his fathers twin. How he spoke. How he stood. How he dressed. Jack had became his father. Something he thought needed to happen in order to be strong enough for the family business.

Mason was the complete opposite of his father.

Though Mason's father love his father to death, Mason's father was not perfect.

After Alexander returned from the war, his mental health took a massive hit.

The once charismatic and bubbly man had turned paranoid and cold. He was constantly on high alert, as a soldier always was.

But, he had seen complete barbarism. Carnage, destruction and pure hatred and disregard for human life.

In truth, Alexander never came home from the war.

Mason pitied his father. He never blamed the man that came home that day. No matter if that man felt like a stranger.

He didn't let what happen to his father stop him from enlisting into the United States Air Corps.

Mason's mother Lily alway said her son had a heart of gold. He was always so willing to help those in need no matter the physical pain it may cause him. Weather it be a cat stuck in the tree, a dog injured on the side of the road or even a old woman crossing the stress by herself, Mason stopped what he was doing to help.

Though he was kind, Mason also had a very very short fuse that often got him into fights growing up and only got worse when he joined the military.

But, he was a good man.

Both He and Mason were good men to Eloise so Eloise came to a conclusion:

Listen to what your brain is telling her or follow her heart.

Either way, she was going to hurt one of the two men she had fallen in love with.


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