Captain Mason Alexander McCawley

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Captain Mason Alexander McCawley knew he wanted to become a pilot ever since he could remember. His father was a pilot in World War I and taught him all there was about flying a plane. After a long day, Mason's father took his son flying for hours in end. They'd watch the sun set in the sky and fly thru the clouds. Sometimes they'd fly fast and sometimes they fly slow and steady. Mason's favorite thing to do was to inhale the moist cloudy air as his father flew thrive clouds. This was when he was his happiest. By the age of eight years old, Mason could fly his  fathers plane by himself even though he'd get spanked when he took his fathers' plane with out permission.

Lily and Alexander McCawley were both very beautiful people. Mason's mother was a pageant queen growing up and his father was the handsome golden child of his late parents. The two both fell in love at fifteen. Soon after, they decided to ran away and elope thus creating Mason, their only child. They lived on a farm in the outskirts of Virginia where they grew crops and live stock. They lived off the land and sold what they could.

Mason attended school as much as he could growing up. Until he turned fifteen and his father had to take him out to help work in the fields harvesting crop.

Mason was eighteen years old when he enlisted into the United States Air Force. Leaving his parents behind, he set out into the world of the military and never looked back. He wanted to become the best pilot the US military ever had.

Through the years, Mason had many lady friends.

He wasn't much of the flirting type nor did he ever set out for women when he went out, they usually flocked to him and crowed around he and his friends. Truthfully, he was the most handsome of his friends. He just didn't know it.

Mason had shirt brunette hair that he'd comb to the side, soft brown eyes and fair skin. He was also very tall measuring at exactly six feet tall.

Mason loved women and women loved him.

He never had the courage to start a conversation with a woman. Rather, he'd let a woman come to him. Not because he was a stuck up jerk but because he truly didn't know how to start a conversation with one. But once the ball started to roll, Mason would take back control and lead the woman.

He never had a "girlfriend" either. Mason was always moving around where ever the military told him to move. Relationships would never last for a man like him.

He was a nomad.

He could never stay in a place for longer than a few months or a year. Mason was always needed somewhere else. He enjoyed not being tied down to a place. It allowed him to start new every time he moved. It was refreshing and kept things entertaining for him.

Unfortunately, Mason was never needed over seas, though he desperately wanted to be.

He wanted to venture out further into the world and experience new things.

One day, his received a summonsing letter from his general. It was a mandatory meeting.

"How do you feel about leaving to Hawaii son?"

Mason couldn't say yes fast enough.

Before he knew it, he had packed his bags and was in a plane to the island of Oahu. He had heard of Hawaii before. His old mates would send him postcards every now and then. He was told it was surrounded by a big blue ocean and filled with all these beautiful tropical colors. It was like nothing he had ever seen before in his life.

Hawaii sat peacefully in the Pacific Ocean.

The sun was intense and the waters were warm. He never had to wear a sweater or jacket anywhere he went. It was summer twenty-four-seven and he loved every minute of it. After a long day of meetings, mechanic work on some planes and running the same ole drills he'd and his buddy's would take to the beach and stay out there for hours on end. The sound of the leave of a coconut trees were like music and served as a reminded that he was safe.

December 7th, 1941

After a peaceful night out Mason lay in his bed. Unbeknownst, of the violent attack underway. He was awoken abruptly from his sleep by the loud sound of a distant bomb going off. He didn't know what to think in that moment. Was it a drill he didn't know about? Surely not. Why would they being doing a drill this early in the morning when half the military was still asleep?

Then another bomb goes off.

And then another.

And then more and more and more and more.

That's when Mason came to the rapid conclusion that this was not a drill, this was war.

Everyone was running about franticly as swarms of Imperial Japanese war planes scattered the once peaceful Hawaiian sky's creating a gloomy cast on the sleeping giant called Oahu.

The Japanese had began World War II and completely took the rug from underneath the United States.

Promises of fake peace had set the sleeping giant into a fit of rage but the United States was determined to take their vengeance.

The United States suffered greatly:

8 of 4 battleships sunk
8 of 4 battleships damaged
1 ex-battleship sunk
1 harbor tug sunk
3 cruisers damaged
3 destroyers damaged
3 other ships damaged
188 aircraft destroyed
159 aircraft damaged
2,335 killed
1,143 wounded

Mason was one of the pilots able to take to the sky's and take his vengeance. He successfully shot down six planes and chased after the planes who retreated.

After a day filled with carnage, it was all finally over. But the aftermath was far much worse.

Unfortunately, the Japanese had also attacked many hospitals. Leaving much of the injured soldiers and civilians to fend for themselves. It was like nothing Mason had ever experienced before.

President Theodore Roosevelt sent swarms of planes filled with medical assistance a few days after.

Mason tried to help anywhere he could.

Because the hospitals were crowded with the medically needy, Mason couldn't do much other than give blood. He had been poked and pricked before coming to Hawaii but never like this. They had soldiers lined up as the nurses took blood from who ever was well and able. He'd stay in the hospital for hours before they allowed him to go home. Doctors would hand out food and water to all the blood donating soldiers in order to keep them fainting.

There were times Mason couldn't hold long enough while they took blood from him before he began to feel faint. But he knew he needed to help so he kept pushing forward.

When he finally came to, Mason opened his eyes to a bring light. It was a woman, though he couldn't make out her face due to the haziness surrounding her body. She was beautiful beyond imagination.

"Are you and angel?"

Mason asked the mystery woman surrounded by light. Her could see her mouth was moving but couldn't make out what she was saying. It was like his hands covered ears.

"I think I'm in love."

Mason says again to the woman.

Her name was Eloise Love Randall.

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