Chapter 11

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Stevie had just been about to switch off the lamps and try to get some rest when she heard the ringing of her door bell. She took a look at the clock. 1 am. She instantly knew who was standing in front of the door. She felt her whole body tensing up within seconds. What should she do now?

Silently, she climbed out of her bed and walked on tiptoes to the door. She took a deep breath, then pushed the button of her intercom.

"Who is it?", she asked firmly.

"Stevie, open up! We need to talk!"

"What do you want, Lindsey?"

"I want to talk to you!"

"Well, but I don't want to talk to you."

"Stevie, you can't just blurt out things like me knowing nothing and then run away!"

"Well, I obviously can! And now, go home!"

"I won't until I get to speak to you! Open up the door!"


"Stevie! Open up!"

"No, Lindsey!"



"Open up!"

"Or what?"

"Or... Or I'm going to wake up the whole building!"

"I'll get you removed then!", she snapped.

"Stevie, be a grown-up! Just for once!", he pleaded suddenly.

She sighed. Then, her thoughts went back to what she had just written down and reread in her journal. Perhaps he was right and they actually needed to talk. She pushed another button and heard the clicking of her alarm system. There was no turning back now. He was on his way to her apartment.

She took a look at the mirror. She looked awful and she hated herself for looking exactly like she felt in that very moment. Weak and fragile. Her eyes were still red and puffy from crying, she wore no make-up anymore and her hair was a mess from lying in bed already.

Two minutes later, Lindsey jumped out of the elevator and went down the hall to her door that she held slightly ajar.


"Hi..", she said and let him in.

"Can we please talk?"

"Mmmm...", she nodded, went into the living-area and wrapped her nightgown tightly around her body to hide the short nightie she was wearing underneath.

It wasn't that he had not seen her naked a thousand times before, she just not wanted him to see her like that right now. She felt insecure enough already.

"Go ahead, then!", she said suddenly and turned around to face him, "What is there you need to talk about?"

"Seriously, Stevie? You said I know nothing! Then please tell me! Open up your mouth and tell me what is there that I know nothing about!"

"Oh, fuck you!", she said and regretted letting him into her apartment within a second.

He sighed heavily.

"Really, Stevie? Is this how you think we can solve our problems?"

"What do you want me to say, Lindsey? Huh?"

"The truth, Stevie!"

"The truth? You wanna know the truth?! The truth is that I don't wanna do any of this anymore! I just can't! I'm so tired of coming to this fucking hotel room once a year so we can fuck like two animals! I'm tired of letting all my feelings for you surface again and again and then fly back home to think about nothing but you for months while you keep on impregnating your wife and get one child after the next one! My heart is bleeding, can't you see that?! I thought I could do this, and God knows I did this for 12 fucking years, but I'm done! It's over! No more Hawaii! No more you and me! It's over!"

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