Chapter One

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January 1975

I'm used to the cold. I've lived in New York all my life and our winters were brutal. At this point I'd say I'm immune to the cold as is everyone who lives here. January was the worst month for winter. It was the worst month out of them all. The month everyone pretended to be brand new and try new things since it was the new year. It was just bullshit to me. Everything around here was just bullshit to me. 

My name's Delilah, Delilah Carisi-Barba. I'm sixteen years old and a junior in Long Island High. No idea why they called it that since it was in the middle of Queens and Long Island. Garden City  was the closest area to us that had a co-ed high school.

"Delilah! Let's go! You're going to be late for school and I'm going to be late for work!" Dad yelled. 

I was busy making myself look nice. Nice for my future boyfriend. I know Sonny and Tig had the hots for me, but to be honest I had the hots for Sonny and he knew that. I was hoping for him to ask me out today. We've been on a few chaperoned dates and I was hoping we'd make it official after these few dates. 

"I'm coming!" I said as I finished. 

"Dad is going to kill you when he finds out you're dressed like that." Dante said to me as I got my shoes on. 

"It's the seventies Dante. Give it up." I said as we exited the house. 

"And you're gonna get your ass kicked." He said as we got to the car. 

"I am not." I said as I got in the passenger seat.

"You're gonna get my ass kicked since I'll be late for work." He replied as we left. 

"I'm sorry I was getting my face all done." I replied. 

"You're still ugly either way so I don't know why you even made it." He laughed.

I just ignored him as he smoked and drove along. I was annoyed as always with him but I was grateful he drove me to work. 

"Get out." He said as he pulled up to the school with five minutes to the bell.

"Alright thanks, bye." I said as I got out. 

"Bye loser." He said as he pulled away. 

I smiled a bit as I saw Sonny standing there waiting for me. I ran over to him. He hugged me once I got there. I hugged him tight. 

"Hey babe." He said as we entered the school. 

"Hey babe." I replied. I blushed hoping he wouldn't see it.

"So, I have an important question for you." He said as we got to our locker. We shared one since I didn't want to leave my stuff by the other girls. They were jerks. 

"And it is?" I asked. 

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked. 

I was so excited. The colour in my face was draining except for the redness in my cheeks. I felt the butterflies rumbling in my stomach. 

"Yes I will." I said with a smile. 

"Fantastic." He said with a kiss. 

"Hurry we're going to be late." Tom said to him. 

"Alright I'll see you in Science." Sonny said as he shut the locker.

"See you then." I said as I went down the hall to my class. 

"Look who it is Molly." Carson said. 

Carson and her crew always had it out for me. I wasn't sure why but it was annoying. I hated them as much as I hated brussel sprouts. They felt the same way towards me I assumed. I used to be Carson's friend in Middle School, but she found out my parents were gay and ever since she bullied me. She only found out in freshman year but it still didn't stop. 

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