Chapter Five

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May 1976

Things were getting easier as the months came and went. Sonny and I were still working hard at saving our money for the girls. We had around six thousand saved now. We used some for little things like new clothes for the girls and Sonny needed a new set of slacks for graduation. I bought a few dresses for myself too. I was happy with what we've saved and what we've accomplished. Soon enough we'd be graduating high school and moving into our own home with the girls. Vito said we had to wait until after graduation. 

Since my brother had been in jail I had more contact with my family. They have been warming back up to Sonny and I. I mostly still visited with Papi and Abuela. She loved the girls as much as she loved Papi and I. She was just happy to be here for the miracle of the girls. They were growing so fast. I was so happy they were getting to know her. 

I was sitting in the library studying for my English test coming up this Friday when I was bothered by someone. It was someone familiar. It was Jessie. Aunt Amanda's daughter. 

"So, we're going to be throwing a prom after party at my house. You in?" She asked as she sat down. 

"I'd have to see if I was working." I replied. 

"Yeah but it's gonna be fun. Work can wait." She said. 

"I know that but I've got a family to support Jess." I said to her as I was closing my book. 

It was almost time to go home. I just was getting ready as she was bugging me. I wanted to go to prom but wasn't sure. I was a bit nervous about all the people that were going to be there. 

"Yeah but one night of fun isn't going to be so bad after all. Just tell Sonny you wanna go. He probably will let you come." She said. 

"I don't have to ask him to go. I can make that decision on my own thank you. I will see if he'd come with us. I want to go. I just have really bad anxiety about it Jessie. What if something bad happens to the girls while I'm gone?" I asked. 

"They'll be fine Dee. Prom after party is going to be fun. No one is going to do bad things. You're over thinking it as always." She replied. 

"Alright we'll go. Just remind me the night before or so." I said. 

"Good! It's Friday night. Prom is at five til seven then the after party is at my house. Mom and Billie are going to grandma's for the weekend. She said I could have a small get together. So come around seven thirty." She said as we walked out of the library. 

"Alright I'll tell Sonny." I replied as we got to our lockers. He was waiting there for me. He looked quite annoyed as she left. 

"Tell me what?" He asked as he let me put the binders on the shelf. 

"Prom is Friday five to seven. Then we're going to an after party." I replied. 

"Yeah Tom was telling us about it earlier. He and Theresa are excited about going to this after party at Jessie Rollins' house." He said as he shut the door. 

"And?" I asked. 

"I said we'd go." He replied as he grabbed my bag. 

"I told Jessie that too." I said as we got to the car. 

"You know Jessie?" He asked. 

"Yeah she's my cousin. Like just Dad's friends kid." I replied. 

"Oh okay. Do you know if anyone else will be there that we know besides Tom?" He asked as he lit up a smoke. 

"Oh probably Noah and Zara. I would assume some of our classmates. I don't know anyone else. Maybe Tig?" I said. 

"Alright we can go." He said with a smile. 

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