Chapter Four

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January 1976

It was a very cold winter this year. I was exhausted by December. These beautiful angels were good to us but it got very tiring after endless nights of no sleep. Sonny could go on just three hours of sleep, but I couldn't. I knew he was better at these things than I was. He was such a saint when it came to the girls. He was such a good father. I was so proud of him. Tom and Theresa also had their two babies. They were boys; Lorenzo and Antonio. They were great parents too.

Days were easy as we went to school and then Sonny went to work afterschool. He decided to take the job at the auto shop just to ease our financial stress. He was even working overtime some nights just so we could make ends meet. We had the help of our family at times but with our home almost finished we needed more cash. I had thought about getting a job at night to help with the bills as well. Sonny said I might have to so I thought about it.

Since my brother went to jail everything has been easier at my old place. I've been able to go visit with Sonny every other weekend. Everyone loved the girls. Gianna and Francesca were loved by everyone. They were good babies and I was glad things were getting easier. 

I was on my way to the club. I was going to see if I could get a job at night. It was the only thing that would make ends meet. Sonny didn't know that I would be dancing. He thought I'd be a waitress but that made less than a dancer. Papi helped me get a bank account. It was his wedding gift he said. He gave me three hundred dollars but he told me not to tell anyone. I told Sonny but that wasn't going to be anyone else. 

I entered the club. It was owned by one of my friends from elementary school. Alex Trager but everyone called him Tig. His father owned the club but he worked there time after time. I spotted him as he came towards the entrance. I was waiting for the hostess. 

"Hey Dee! How's it?" He asked. 

"Look at you! I enjoy seeing old friends. How are you?" I asked him. 

"I'm good you?" He asked me again. 

"I'm alright. I'd be better if I didn't have to be working but that's what I've got to do to make ends meet." I replied. 

"I heard you and Sonny have two beautiful girls." He said as he brought me into the club. 

"We do. Is your father in here?" I asked. 

"Yes, he's in the back. What can I do for you?" He asked. 

"I'm here for a job. He wanted me to come in after class." I replied. 

"Waitress or dancer?" He asked. 

"As far as Sonny knows waitress and for you too." I said with a smile. 

"So you're here for the dancer?" He asked. 

"Of course and your father said he needed one, so here I am." I said with a shrug. 

"Alright come on back here then." He replied. 

I followed him into the back. I knew that's where his father and colleagues worked. I knew he was into some weird mob shit but I wasn't sure what. 

"Ah Missus Carisi. How are you?" His father asked.

"I'm good you?" I replied. 

"I'm wonderful. I'm glad you could come in. I just need to see the features then we can go ahead." He said 

"What would you like me to do?" I asked. 

"Just take your clothes off and leave your underwear on." He replied. 

"Dad you don't gotta do that do you?" Tig asked. 

"It's none of your concern." He said to him.

I watched as Alex rolled his eyes as I began to undress. All I had on was my dress and coat. Underneath was my underwear and nylons. I was a bit nervous but knew he had to see what I had to offer. I placed my clothes on his table. Once I did he smiled. 

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