Chapter Seven

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April 1977

It was a long cold winter. I was sure glad it was over. I was hot all the time and the baby kept growing bigger each month. The girls themselves have grown quite a bit too. They were walking without help now. I was such a proud mother. I knew Sonny was a proud father too. He gloated about the girls to every guest we had. I was happy about that. I loved the way he loved them. 

Sonny had gotten himself into quite the bad habit. He made me promise not to tell his mother or my parents. I promised I wouldn't. He was big into cocaine. He said he tried it once at work to stay alert and got hooked ever since. It made me question his judgement at first, but I tried to understand afterwards. I didn't notice him any different until one night when he came home buzzed. He was higher than a kite and confessed to me once he broke down. He promised he would be fine and I believed him.

Like I had said, the baby was growing each month. I was due in less than a month now. I was exhausted more with this pregnancy than the last one. I wasn't sure why it was. I just knew it was. Today we were going to see Papi and Dad at their house while the girls were at his parents. They invited us over for dinner and just a chat. As far as I knew it would be a good chat. Dad's cancer had gone away for now. He was in remission. I was glad. I hated seeing him sick and didn't want him to be in pain. He only lost his hair which he grew back, but it was grey this time around. 

He said Damian wouldn't be here today since he had to go do something. I didn't care at the moment. I still hadn't forgive him I just had moved on. I had to. I couldn't dwell anymore so I just one day decided I wasn't going to let it bother me. I had seen him a few times at Dad's but refused to accept his apology. I refused to. He still didn't deserve it. I just got over him being a dick. 

"How long until we're there?" I asked. 

"Ten minutes I'd assume." He said as he pulled into the neighborhood. 

"We're almost here." I said. 

"See then there's your answer." He said with a smirk. 

I just ignored him and his smart ass remarks. Once we pulled into the driveway I got an overwhelming sense of anxiety. 

"I don't wanna go in." I said as I held onto his hand. 

"Well, we're going in. I didn't waste gas just to turn around. Plus your parents want to see you." He said as he did a line on the dashboard. 

"You could have at least done that in the bathroom." I said before pulling my hand away.

"I didn't want them to suspect anything. We're going to be fine." He said as I got out of the car. 

I ignored him. He was more open about his drug use now. He didn't care if he did it in front of me. He just didn't do it in front of the girls or Tom. He said Tom doesn't know about it either. He didn't want him to know about it. I could see why. I think Tom would straighten him out and tell their parents. I wish Tom knew. 

"Papi?!" I yelled out.

"We're in the living room love." He replied. 

Sonny and I walked in hand in hand. They smiled as we entered. I noticed Damian was here. I was more anxious now. I squeezed Sonny's hand tighter. 

"I thought he wasn't going to be here?" I asked. 

"He finished his things early." Papi said. 

"Sit down babe." Sonny said as he held my hand. He was sitting already. 

"I don't want him in here." I said as I sat down. 

"Alright, go up to your room Damian." Dad said. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2023 ⏰

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