The winchesters

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Denver learned how to fend for herself, and others, very quickly. They went on lots of hunts, most of the time Sam, Dean, and Denver stayed at a motel, weeks at a time, barely enough money for food, Dean and Denver would take turns stealing food whenever needed. Sometimes they would get caught. Once he got back from the hunt, John would bail them out...eventually.

John Winchester was a mean drunk, Dean and Denver got the worst of it. Although Denver was the same age as Sam, something in her clicked the day she saw him. There was the inherent need to protect him, at all costs, it was like she had known him all her life. It was strange to describe, so she didn't bother trying, but Dean understood. He couldn't handle John and take care of Samy by himself. So having the help of Denver was appreciated, even if she was commonly put in harm's way.

When Dean turned 18 he chose to stay with John, to protect Sammy and Denver. Sam and John constantly fought, if Dean left, who knows what would have happened. John still drank, he still got angry. He still hit, but not that often, since both of the boys were much larger than him at that point. Denver would probably be able to hold her own if Dean left. She would just keep her head down, and deal with it; like she had for years. The main issue was Sam. The issue was not Sam himself, it was how he fought, he didn't back down like Dean or Denver. He did not avoid conflict. He had more balls than either of them against John. Probably because they always took the worst of the beatings when they were younger. Both of them saw just how bad John could get if you fought back.

Sam was smart, he was good at school, a little nerdy. He wanted to go to college and get out of hunting. One day John and him had a fight. John found Sam's college application. They went back and forth, screaming at each other for hours. Dean and Denver were out getting supplies at the time. Denver returned as the argument was finishing up. Sam said that he made up his mind. John told Sam to leave and never come back. Sam went out the doors and ran into Denver, she had been eavesdropping. She tried to reason with him, begging him to not go. She didn't want to lose her little brother. Sam got angry with her. Yelling at her that she was taking John's side on this. He told her to leave him alone, and let him make his own choices.

He left, every now and then Denver and Dean would go and see how he was doing, Sammy was unaware of this. He went to college to be a doctor. He had a girlfriend Jesica, and he had an apple pie life. He had friends too. Just like he always wanted.

Denver and Dean started to go on a lot of solo hunts, anywhere to get away from John. After so many years of caring for John and Sam, they felt obligated to stay. They were family. Denver refused to leave like Sam. Dean refused to leave because he just wanted approval from his family.

For the solo hunts they would check in, around every week or so. This helped keep Denver's mind at ease.

When John didn't check in for a while, Dean tried to contact Denver, with no luck. He waited a few days, not wanting to involve his brother. But after waiting three days, he felt like he had no choice. He went to Sam's apartment. After a brief altercation, Sam agreed to help him find Denver, and maybe John if there was time. He had an important job interview in three days. This job would change his life, he could try to get Dean on the right track, but he would have to return for the interview.

During Denver's last check she said she was in Wisconsin, hunting a wendigo.

On the way to find Denver. They were attacked on the road by a ghost. She was a woman in white. The boys decided to help her. This hunt took longer than expected. After finally closing the case, Dean had to take Sam home for the job interview. Sam told Dean to just camp out for a bit, after the job interview he could head back out to help. Sam forgot how much he loved spending time with his brother.

Sam stepped into his house and he called out for his soon to be fiance Jess. There was no response. He put his duffle bag on the floor by the front door and put his house keys onto the table next to him. As he went upstairs heard the shower running and figured that's where she was, he called to her that he was home and went to lay on the bed. He closed his eyes, wanting to just relax after the past couple days. As he got comfortable, he felt a warm drop on his forehead. He assumed it was a leaking pipe and opened his eyes to investigate. He opened his eyes to find Jess on the ceiling. She was wearing some shorts and a t-shirt, her normal pajamas. There was blood dripping from the wound on her stomach. Sam screamed in horror as the ceiling burst into flames. Sam attempted to get her off the ceiling. Dean, hearing the screams, ran into the house. He came up behind Sam, grabbed him under his shoulders, and pulled him out the door. Sam tried to reason with the Dean,
" I have to save her!" Dean replied quickly "She's gone Sam, she's gone, we have to go! You can't die here."
The fire department was called. They put out the fire and wheeled out Jess, she was declared dead at the scene. Her body was too charred to tell how she died, and the police had no evidence against Sam so he was released after some questioning.

Both boys knew who did this, it was the same Demon who killed their mother. Their mom died in the exact same way, burning on the ceiling. Her death had driven John to start hunting, looking for revenge on the yellow eyed demon he saw that night.

They went to Dean's car, opened the trunk and looked at the weapons they had at their disposal. Sam looked at the trunk then back at Dean with a fiery rage burning his eyes. "Let's go get him".

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