Sam hurt aftermath

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Bobby offered for Denver to stay at his house. She accepted under the condition that she would not have to see the boys. Up to this point Bobby still didn't know what happened. Denver decided to find a way to tell Sam what happened without Dean knowing. She wouldn't let Sam think that she had left him by her own choice.
Bobby went out to buy groceries and some clothes for Denver. Denver opened her laptop, plugged in a flash drive and began to record a video. It took a couple tries to record the whole thing without having a panic attack. But she managed through. Near the end of the video she made sure to tell Sam she loves him. But won't be contacting him for her own safety. However, she gave him her new phone number just in case there was an emergency.
She closed the computer and unplugged the flashdrive. She let out all her emotions. She sobbed over the loss of her older and younger brother. As she cried on the couch, Bobby came into the room with tears in her eyes.
"Did you hear everything?" she asked, sniffling.
"Yes sweetheart, I did."
He sat on the couch next to her and pulled her into a long embrace.
Denver made sure to tell him not to confront Dean yet, she wanted to avoid confrontation and just keep the peace for now.
Bobby said that he would give the flashdrive to Sam as soon as he woke up. He was meant to wake up in the next couple of days.

Two days later Sam woke up. He had to stay in the hospital for another day but was discharged not long later. A few days after Sam was discharged, Bobby handed him the flash drive and kept Dean busy by having a conversation with him. He had been given the okay by Denver to finally confront Dean about what happened.
As he and Bobby talked, Dean's face looked more and more ashamed. He felt his heart sink. There was still a small part of him that thought he might be in the right since she was in cahoots with crowley. But in reality he knew he had royally messed up.

Sam watched the tape and confronted Dean not long after Bobby did. Attached to the video file was the police report that was filed and images that were taken for evidence. If Sam was not still recovering, Dean would have gotten a punch to the face. Instead, Sam's reaction was stunned. He did not know how to react exactly. He was disappointed, confused, appalled, and horrified. His worst fear had come true. Dean was becoming more like his father. Sam decided to go to Bobby's house to try and talk it out with either Denver or Bobby. He talked to Bobby for a while, explaining his emotions, and his point of view on the situation. He wanted to talk to Denver but she was scared. She didn't want to risk Dean getting mad at her again. Although Bobby explained that Dean felt remorse, Denver was still afraid of the monster that had been unleashed just a few weeks ago.

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