Gone on a hunting trip and hasn't been home in a few days. Then the wedigo

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Sam and Dean drove the 1967 Chevy Impala (Lovingly named Baby) down to the town Denver last said she was in.
They used their state wildlife badges to get around, they were greeted with, "Didn't they already send down that other officer?"
After a bit of searching they found the name of the motel Denver was staying at. They used their FBI badges and were able to gain access to the room.
As they opened the door they scanned the room. It was well kept. The room consisted of a bed, a wardrobe, and a bathroom. If it weren't for the duffle bag at the foot of the bed, at first glance this room looked like no one was staying there.
After rummaging around they found her evidence wall hidden in the wardrobe. There was a map and pictures of the victims. Around the map were newspaper articles, drawings and notes she had printed out. The map had a pin and an X on it. The way they were taught to organize information, the pin was the location of one of the latest victims' campsites. She likely planned on going there, saving who she could, then taking out the monster.

They grabbed their gear and went on a hike into the woods. As they got closer to the location of the camp, there was more scratch on the trees, and puddles of blood dried to the ground.
After a few more miles they found the camp. It had protection sigils around it, a sure sign Denver had been here. After searching around for a minute, a young male rushed at them from the tent.

He came at them with a sharpened stick, but he stopped when he saw they were human. He dropped the stick and began to frantically tell his story, "There was a girl, and a monster, the monster took all of them, then we tried to run, she told me to head back to camp and wait." he shuddered, " a-after that, she took off running into the woods."The boy smiled," she was yelling curses at it, they were pretty good, but then the screaming stopped." He looked at the ground, "I'm sorry, I didn't know what to do."
Sam and Dean exchanged worried glances. They assured him that there was nothing he could do against the beast in those woods.

They took the guy back to the police station, and told them a bear attacked him.

Sam and Dean went back to the woods, they found the Wendigos hideout, an old abandoned mine. The smell made the boys gag. They moved their flashlight around and studied the walls of the cave.

There were three bodies in the cave, bound by their hands and hanging from the ceiling. Two of them looked like they might still be alive, but one was obviously gone. There were flies covering the dead person's corpse, they were buzzing around the rotting flesh, huge bites taken out of it. The dead one was the original victim Denver came here to save, they recognised his face from a picture from Denver's evidence wall. The second was not in too bad of shape. The boys assumed she was taken a little before Denver. She had a bad gash on her head, she looked dehydrated and hungry, but other than that she seemed fine. They shined the flashlight further around the area to reveal the last person. They recognised this person immediately, Denver. She was pretty banged up. She had multiple gashes and bruises, and a bite out of her leg. But she was breathing. Clearly she pissed the monster off.

Sam and Dean untied both of them, the first girl woke as Dean took her down. After gaining her senses, she told them her name was Sophia. Sam took Denver down and tried to wake her up. He shook her shoulder lightly. "Denver? Please wake up."She stirred slightly, she opened her eyes and saw that Sam was there, "Sammy?". "Yeah it's me! Come on stay awake." he said with a smile. Denver sat up with Sam's help, she tried to stand, but the bite on her leg was taking its toll.She had lost a lot of blood. After two attempts to stand, Sam decided to let her rest for a minute longer while they got Sophia on her feet. Sam went to help Sophia and Dean tried to help Denver stand. After a few more tries they put the girl's arms around their shoulders and began to get them out of the cave.
As they walked slowly back the way they came, there was a loud roar from the entrance of the cave. The Wendigo was back. The boys pulled the girls to the side into a tunnel that broke off the main one. After a minute of hiding Denver slumped to the ground. The boys Helped Sophia to sit then went to Denver. She was exhausted. There was better lighting in this part of the cave and everyone could see just how pale she looked. They had to hurry and get her out of there or she would bleed out. Sam tightened the tourniquet. Denver cried out in pain. The Wendigo heard them. Dean and Sam began to hoist the girls up off the ground again when Denver stopped them. "You should leave me here," she panted. The boys immediately tried to argue with her. But she made a few good points. She was slowing them down, and they had to get Sophia out of there. She also had the most accurate aim out of the three of them. They handed her a flair gun and began to make their way to the entrance of the cave. Denver began talking loudly in an attempt to draw the creature to her. The Wendigo

As they were getting out the Wendigo came and they had to run. They split up, Denver was given a flare gun and she made them leave her temporarily. The boys and Sophi were cornered, Denver came in at the last minute and shot it.

They got away, Denver got stitches and had to be on crutches for a week.

During that week they went to Bobby's and drank some beers, they had fun. They looked for leads on john.

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