We both know we have to have a talk

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I felt myself starting to wake up but heard people nearby talking, so I kept my eyes closed so I could eavesdrop on the conversation.

"So you cuddled all night and you don't have feelings for her, brother?" I quickly understood that was Thor, mostly by his deep voice but also because he used the word 'brother'.

I also assumed he was talking to Loki. I couldn't feel his cold arms around me anymore. I don't understand how he makes me feel: he's cold, mean, annoying, he's very full of himself and loves to tease me. But at the same time he makes me warm, it's like I'm falling for him, whenever he does these things I don't hate him for it. I find it funny or get butterflies, and god that kiss did not help me understand how I was feeling.

"It's not that I don't have feelings for her, I just don't know what I have for her," Loki told thor in a frustrated tone. The fact that I now know that he also doesn't know what is happening between us makes me feel better.

"Oh brother, Midguardians call that a crush," thor said with too much amusement, making fun of his little brother. I could feel myself blush slightly since it was apparently very obvious what Loki is feeling for me.

"As I said before, I don't know what it is, and will you stop talking so loud. If you wake her up I won't hesitate to kill you and you know that." Loki said annoyed.

The conversation stopped but I still didn't open my eyes. Soon after I felt someone lay down behind me and their arms wrap around my waist. I could get used to this feeling. I instantly knew it was Loki.

"I know you're awake, no need to hide it," he spoke softly in my ear. I felt shivers down my spine and felt my face get hot.

"I also know you heard the whole conversation," he said again. I could feel the grin on his face, but deep down I knew he was trying to sound cheeky when in reality he was flustered since now I knew what he was feeling for me.

I turned around, opening my eyes, trying to adjust to the bright light. When I got used to the change in brightness I saw the smile on Loki's face.

We just looked at each other, taking in each other's facial features, scents and energy in general. I felt lost, in a good way. The eye contact was intense but it only made me relax. The entire moment felt peaceful. I know it's cliché but it felt like it was only us, everyone and everything else just disappeared. I loved it, I only realised now how much I enjoy his presence and how much he changes my mood. I don't know how long this lasted but I didn't want it to end.

"We both know we have to have a talk," I said in a soft voice.

"I know, I know. But later, I want to enjoy this moment," he answered and I nodded. I couldn't agree more. I just wanted to lay here in his arms, in his gaze thinking about what I'm going to say.

I had no idea what my feelings were but regardless I knew we had to talk, I had to admit things to him and definitely admit things to myself. He pulled me closer to him and into a hug, holding me tight as if he never wanted to let me go. The fact that I loved the moment we are having and he does as well made my heart beat faster. We both know we have feelings for each other but neither of us know exactly what they are. I don't even know what I'm feeling for him, how will I know his feelings for me.

I noticed my muscles had tensed, I took a deep breath and felt myself relax again. I felt myself giving my whole self to him, I felt oddly safe. Oddly because the man had angered me, annoyed me, teased me, and gotten on my nerves so much. I would've never thought that I would be having feelings for him.

My mind went black I didn't know what to think, everything was peaceful, I couldn't hear anyone but mine and Loki's breath and both of our heartbeats. He was holding us so close to each other, I felt my arms go around him and squeeze him tight, as tight as I could.

After a while, we both fell asleep yet again. 


I am so sorry for taking so long to update. I had no idea what to write about, I had school and some other personal issues to deal with. For some time I had also lost motivation to write this book but I'm gonna try to continue updating more often.

Thank you so much for all the support, never in a million years did I think this many people would read this, thank you.

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