Chapter 5: Drum demon's house and wisteria hotel.

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Chapter 5: Drum demon mansion.


*Y/n and Teneko are walking southeast*

Teneko: What the?

*Y/n and Teneko see a yellow haired girl cling to a boy*

Teneko: Do you think you can make her stop?

Y/n: What do you mean?

Teneko: I may have seen your face by taking your mask off while you sleeping.

Y/n: WHAT!?!

Teneko: Y-yeah after you fell asleep after Tamayo bandaged you wounds...


Teneko: S-so yeah I saw you were a boy.

Y/n: Flip this and flip you.

*Y/n walks to the girl holding onto the boy and picks her up luggage style*

Boy: Huh?

Y/n: Bro code.

*The boy nods and runs*

???: What are you doing? Wait your the person from the final selection.

Y/n: Teneko are you sure?

Teneko: If it's the only way to calm her down.

*Y/n nods and looks at the girl*

Y/n: Ok it will only be for a second. As long as she makes no yelling after I take off my mask we're fine....

*Y/n quickly takes off his mask and puts it back on*

???: You're a guy?

Y/n: Please don't make a deal out of it. I had to calm you down somehow.

*??? nods and gets up*

Teneko: Here.

*Teneko gives ??? a rice ball and she eats it*

???: Thanks...

Y/n: She must have ptsd from teneko breaking someones arm. That's why she isn't trying to do something to me.

Teneko: Better?

???: I'm calmer now. 

Teneko: Who are you.

???: I'm Zoeya nice to meet you two...

Y/n: Yep ptsd.

*All of them head to the demon's mansion.*

*Y/n sees some kids.*

Y/n: I'm not good with kids Teneko.

*Teneko nods and calms the kids down*

Y/n: I'm going in.

*Y/n runs into the mansion starts looking around*

Y/n: Huh?

*A drum plays and Y/n get's teleported to a different room*

Y/n: Well shoot.

*Timeskip because Y/n is looking around*

Y/n: A horned demon?

*Y/n runs at the horned demon*

Y/n: First form, full day.

*Y/n blasts the demon away and it gets cut by a girl wearing a boar mask*

Y/n: What the flip was that.

*Y/n gets teleported again.*

Y/n: Teneko?

Teneko: I'll never give up no matter what!

*The drum demon begins attacking and flipping the room*

*Y/n dodges the paper and the attacks*

Y/n: Motion sick...

Teneko: Splashing water flow! Turbulent!

*Teneko cuts the drum demons head off and Y/n falls to the floor*

Y/n: oww......

*Teneko lands on Y/n*

Teneko: Thank's Y/n...

???: Girl. Did you think my blood are was incredible.

Teneko: Yes but I can't forgive you for killing others.

???: Thank.... you......

*The demon dies and Teneko collects a blood sample.*

Teneko: Are you ok Y/n?

*Y/n nods and they both go outside*

Y/n: And there goes my stomach.

*Y/n throws up*

Teneko: Y/n!

Y/n: I'm ok... I'm just going to be laying down for a bit.

*Y/n lays down to stop getting motion sick and falls asleep*


*Y/n wakes up as soon as Teneko walk into the hotel*

Teneko: Awake Y/n?

*Y/n nods and gets off her back*

Y/n: Food?

Teneko: Yes you can eat.

*Y/n goes over to the table and eats the food with his mask still on*

Zoeya: How?

Teneko: I don't know.

*Zoeya uses Y/n and his haori as a pillow*

Teneko: What?

*Y/n pats Teneko's head*

Y/n: She saved your sister. Let her be happy for now.

*Teneko nods and all of them except Y/n get into a bed*

*Y/n bandages his own wounds*

Y/n: I'm glad that my stomach got empty.

*Y/n eats food more*

*The box rattles and Nezuko comes out*

Zoeya: It came out!

*Nezuko goes to her normal self*

Zoeya: Just who do you think you are? 

*Zoeya tells at Teneko and Y/n goes to zoeya and hugs her to make her stop*

Teneko: Thanks Y/n.

*Zoeya falls asleep*

Y/n: Ok then.

*Y/n puts Zoeya in the futon*

Teneko: Thanks Y/n.

Y/n: Go to sleep teneko.

*She nods and goes to sleep and Y/n also goes to sleep*



I am in great pain

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