Chapter 12: Entertainment district

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(These are my last braincells calling for help. -A/n)

Chapter 12: Entertainment district


Y/n is looking at Katarine.

Y/n: It's a good thing Shinobu came in time...

Y/n walks out of the room and goes outside the mansion to train.

*4 months later*

Y/n is training with his breathing

Y/n: I have to train with timeless world...

Y/n begins to focus on his slashes and his eyes glow a faint (F/c) for a second

Y/n: And it's gone...

Y/n hears 2 the 2 nurses scream charge and he runs to see what's happening.

Y/n: What the FUQ!

Uzui, Kanao and the nurses look at Y/n

Teneko: How dare you treat girls like that! Let go of them!

Teneko goes to headbutt Uzui but he moves out the way

Uzui: You're a fool. I'm Lord Tengen Uzui, former shinobi. A flashy man renown around these parts. Do you really think I'd fall to one of your pissant head-butts?

Teneko: Let Aoi and Naho go, you lousy kidnapper!

Nurse1/2: You heard him! You heard him!

Teneko: What do you think you're doing?

Uzui: Hey, you two! Who do you think you're talking to, dammit? I'm your superior! I'm a Hashira, dammit

Teneko: I don't acknowledge you as a Hashira! Huh!

Uzui: Don't "huh" me! Who cares if you don't acknowledge me?

Y/n: I don't have enough braincells to deal with this...

Uzui: You little bottom-feeder! Did your brain matter explode or what? I'm taking these two because I need some female Corps members for a mission! And I don't need permission from Kocho to take anyone who's not a Tsuguko!

Nurse 1: Naho isn't a member of the Corps! Can't you see she's not wearing the uniform?

Uzui drops Naho

Uzui: I don't need her, then.

Teneko: How could you do such a thing, you inhuman brute?

Naho: He dropped me!

Uzui: For now, I'm just going to take this one on my mission. Not that she looks like she'll be of any use. But somehow, she is a Corps member, at least.

Teneko: Everyone has their own personal reasons, so don't be so insensitive and stir things up! Give us back, Aoi!

Uzui: Lame. So lame. No wonder the Demon Slayer Corps is getting weaker and weaker, with people like you wailing and moaning in your unflashy way!

Teneko and uzui are arguing and Y/n just backs away

Y/n: I'm loosing brain cells.

Uzui then spanks Aoi.

Uzui: What is that noise?

Y/n teleports behind Uzui

Y/n: Skidaddle skidoodle your bones are now noodles.

Y/n slams Uzui into the ground

Uzui: Fine then. You and the other 3 will come with me.

Y/n: Fine by me.

Inama: Where are we going?

Uzui: The number one spot in Japan that's dripping with lust and desire. A super-flashy place. The Entertainment District where demons reside. 

Y/n: Why am I coming?

Uzui: You're backup. 

Teneko: Entertainment district?

Zoeya: You know, that thing! Know what I mean? The place where...

Uzui: Listen up! I am a god! You four are trash!

Y/n: ... 1st form, Full day.

Y/n uses 1st form to bonk Uzui.

Teneko: What are you the god of?

Uzui: Good question. I am the God of Flashiness.

Y/n: So technically Teneko's Dance of the Sun god is more powerful than you.

Uzui looks at Y/n

Uzui: What? Nevermind let's go.

Uzui begins running and Y/n runs after him using a bit of timeless world to keep up.

Zoeya: Come on.

Zoeya, Teneko, and Inama run after Y/n.


Y/n sees Teneko, Zoeya and Inama jump out of the cart

Uzui: Brats!

Y/n: i'll get them...

Y/n runs and gets them.


Uzui: You all need to disguise yourselves. The exception being Y/n as he will help me scout out where my wives are. I've narrowed the houses down to 3. 

Y/n lays down

Y/n: I'm not dealing with this.


Y/n is walking with Uzui around the district.

Y/n: Shouldn't we be looking around the houses not the district?

Uzui: The crow will alert me if something happens.

Y/n: Still, what am I supposed to do? I'm bored as flip.

Uzui: It's all quiet of course nothing is happening.

Y/n: I'm going to check on the other parts of the district.

Y/n runs on top of the roof looking around

Y/n: This is boring.


Y/n: Uzui, it has begun.

Uzui: Thank you Y/n.

Y/n: Zoeya has also been taken out.



And there goes the rest of my braincells.

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