Chapter 13: Uppermoon 6

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Chapter 13: Uppermoon 6

Uzui: While I think that the others should try to survive you need to work with me.

Y/n: Good to know........

Uzui: Considering you got up to Tsuchinoto on your own is good. I can trust you more since your ranking is higher.


Y/n is going to where he saw Teneko.

Y/n: Teneko.

???: You're a demon slayer right? So you came. How many of you are there?

Y/n rushes in and slices the ribbon

Teneko: She's upper six...

???: Who do you think your talking to?

Y/n and Teneko get launched

Teneko: She's too fast.

Y/n: Flip.

Teneko gets up

Y/n is somewhere else

Y/n: Upper six....

Y/n cuts a ribbon before it kills Teneko.

Y/n: Need a hand?

Teneko: Thanks.

Y/n rushes in

Y/n: 1st form, full day.

Y/n blasts ??? away

???: How many are here? 5?

Teneko: I'm not telling you!

???: If you tell me the truth, I'd be willing to spare your life. We clashed for maybe an instant, but look at your sword! It's already nicked. Some hack of a swordsmith must've forged that blade, am I right?

Teneko: You're wrong. The person who forged this sword is amazing! He's a brilliant swordsmith!

???: Then how did it get nicked. You're annoying me. I have to kill you.

Y/n: 2nd form, Full night.

Y/n cuts the ribbons before they reach Teneko.

Teneko: Raging Sun!

Y/n: Da fuq?

Teneko: Flame dance!

Teneko is attacking ???

Y/n: Hey Eclipse who is that?

Eclipse: Upper moon 6: Daki.

Teneko: Fake rainbow! Fire wheel!

Daki: So slow.

Daki launches Teneko and Y/n catches her

Daki: Oh, so you're still alive?

Y/n: 7th form. Hybrid eclipse.

Y/n teleports around Daki slicing the ribbons.

Teneko: The belts are entering her body Y/n it's no use.

Y/n: I don't care.

Daki's hair turns white.

Y/n: Oh... I see.

Y/n jumps up and sees Teneko's eyes start to bleed.

Y/n: I can't do anything..... I need a new form...

Eclipse (Male reader x Demon slayer AU)Where stories live. Discover now