Chapter 18: Infinity castle, Kokushibo.

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Chapter 18: Infinity castle, Nakime.


Y/n sees Uppermoon 4 fighting Mitsuri, Obanai, and Mizuki.

Y/n: I'll join in later.

Y/n runs into an arena and blocks Kokushibo from hitting Mui.

Y/n: Heh.

Kokushibo: Yorrichi's decendant?

Y/n: That's right...

E Y/n: And I'm here to collect your sins for killing my parents.

Y/n's mask turns into Eclipses face. The mark spreads all over his body.

Kokushibo: Dark moon, Evening shrine.

E Y/n: Full day.

E Y/n counters his first form and Sateki attacks Kokushibo.

Kokushibo: Cursed vortex of the ghostly moon.

Sateki: Tree swaying in the mountain air.

Kokushibo: Not bad...

E Y/n: Solar sun.

E Y/n uses solar heat haze and cuts Kokushibo's arm.

Sateki: Purifying wind claws.

Kokushibo deflects it and they both start attacking eachother.

Kokushibo: Solitary moon in the eternal night: Avici.

Sateki starts bleeding a lot.

E Y/n: Super blood moon.

E Y/n marks Kokushibo.

Kokushibo: You seem to be right on point.

E Y/n: Heh...

Sateki: Rare blood for demons is like silvervine powder for cats. Demons get drunk once they get a whiff of my blood. Now have a _______ feast!

Sateki: Black smoke storm.

E Y/n: Type shadow: 16th form, Aster-moon.

E Y/n begins to use all of the moon breathing techniques in a row

E Y/n: Dark moon, evening palace.

E Y/n and Kokushibo begin to fight.

Kokushibo: You seem to know my breathing techniques.

E Y/n: Pearl flower moongrazing.

E Y/n and Kokushibo keep fighting and Kokushibo launches Y/n.

Kokushibo: If I intrupt you then you can't hit me.

E Y/n: Loathsome moon, chains.

The attack misses Kokushibo but his arm gets cut off.

Kokushibo: So that is what the mark is. It allows you to hit me no matter what. I guess space doesn't matter.

E Y/n: Moon spirit, calamitous eddy.

Kokushibo: Loathsome moon, chains.

E Y/n's and Kokushibo clash and a chain wraps around Kokushibo's sword.

E Y/n: About time Mei.

Mei: Mui is healing and Sateki is stitching her stomach.

E Y/n: Thank you for holding him still. Perpetual night, lonely moon - Incessant.

Kokushibo gets slammed into the wall and is brought back to E Y/n thanks to the chains

E Y/n: Mirror of misfortune, moonlit.

Kokushibo gets slammed into the ground.

E Y/n: Did I get him?

Kokushibo blasts Y/n away.

Kokushibo: You tore my kimono... You couldn't even kill an infant with the likes of that. Once I've put down you the rest ought to be trival.

E Y/n: Got him.

E Y/n's katana gets enveloped in black flames and gets longer with 3 blades comming out the back.

Kokushibo: Huh?

E Y/n: Moon dragon ringtail.

E Y/n hits Kokushibo.

Kokushibo: How can you go past 7th form?

E Y/n And Kokushibo: Waning moonswaths

They both hit eachother and keep fighting.

Mei: Y/n! Let me fight!

E Y/n: This is flipping personal! Moon through bamboo leaves!

E Y/n launches Kokushibo.

E Y/n and Kokushibo: Calamity!

They both colide and make a huge blast.

E Y/n: Perfect. Moonbow, half moon!

E Y/n cuts through Kokushibo.

E Y/n: I will avenge who you have killed.

Kokushibo goes into a monster form.

Y/n: Type shadow, 8th form, The moon's tears. Type shadow, 9th form, The moon's blood. Type shadow, 13th form,The moon's blood cry.

Kokushibo begins to cry and then scream in agony and then die.

Mei: Y/n...

Mui: What...

Genya: was...

Sateki: THAT?!?!

Y/n: I made him feel regret, then death, then killed him.

Crow: Muzan has been revived.



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