Snakes and Puppies

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Martin's POV

"Oo what about this cutie pie? Look at him!!"

I winced as Ozna pointed to a baby boa-constrictor. We were looking for a pet, and since we planned on having kids soon we wanted a family pet. I held her hand and led her away from the snake's cage.

"Hehe, how about we get a furry animal?" I asked.

She blinked at me.

"But... But he's so cute..." She complained.

I smiled weakly. I really didn't like snakes. They weren't my favorite thing in the world, but since she was part snake I had to keep that a secret. Yes I loved her more than anything, but if she knew I didn't like snakes she'd probably kill me. Basile had warned me about being careful about that and I knew I had to be cautious.

"Yes well we've had pet snakes for almost five years now, so why not a change?" I suggested smoothly.

She looked at her belly.

"What if we have a boy and he likes snakes?"

"What if it's a girl and she loves furry things?"

Ozna held my hand and leaned on me weakly.

"Baby I want a pet snake for them..."

"I want a puppy."

She whined a little and clung to my arm.

"But Martin!!" She wailed.

People were starting to stare now. I swallowed uncomfortably and sighed.

"Ozna, we've had snakes for so long, it's time for a change..."

She frowned and crossed her arms. I knew I had gotten her to agree but I knew she'd sulk. I sighed and looked away.

"Go pick out a snake..."

Later on

"Martin look!! He already knows who his mommy is!!"

She had the snake out of it's cage and was playing with it. I had our new dog, Yume, trotting by my side. I hated how we now had a snake and a dog, but as long as Ozna was happy I was happy. I sighed happily and shook my head.

"What am I going to do with you?"

((Ozna belongs to Oznamuno19, Martin is my baby))

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