What's you're problem?

65 0 3

Tony's POV

I leaned in closer, screwing the screw tighter. Just a few more adjustments and my armor would be even better than before. I had been working for three days straight, but I could hardly tell how fast time had actually went. I leaned even closer.

"Just a few more screws and then it'll be done..." I whispered under my breath.

I heard a knock on my door and I hissed. Who was disturbing me at this hour.

"What?" I called, sounding a bit annoyed.

It opened and Steve stood there with a tray. I hissed a little at the light that came from the open door and I hid.

"Go away!"

"Tony you've been working yourself to death, take a break."

He walked over and set the tray of food down by me. I moved my stuff out of the way and turned away from the blonde.

"I can take care of myself you know..." I complained.

Steve smiled weakly and wrapped his arms around me. I felt him gently kiss my ear.

"Tony dear you've been working for three days straight... Take a break ok..." He said soothingly.

I could hear a faint seductive tone in his voice. I blushed a little. God why'd he have to be so damn cute?! I rubbed my head slightly and looked at him.

"Steve stop being so damn cute." I complained.

Steve batted his longish eyelashes at me and gave me a sly smile, the kind a first grader would give their teacher if they were caught doing something they weren't supposed to do.

"Tony I can't stop being so cute. It's a curse I must bear." He said sweetly.

I rolled my eyes and continued to work. Steve clung to me.

"Tony eat something."

"Sorry Capsicle but I need to get this done."

Steve frowned. I didn't know if he was frowning at my stubbornness or at the nickname I gave him. Either way he was frowning.

"Tony eat." He said.

I shook my head. I wanted to see what he was gonna do so it was a test. I wanted to push him a little. Steve smirked and tackled me to the floor. I squealed as he pinned me down and grabbed the tray from the desk. He smirked at me.

"Fine then, I'll just force you to eat!"

I gasped and squirmed slightly. I really wasn't scared, I just wanted to play along.

"Nuu don't make me!" I wailed fakely, giving him a smirk.

Steve chuckled and forced a small chunk of meat in my mouth. It was pork chops! I chewed and swallowed it.

"You know how to torment and spoil me Steve!" I complained.

Steve smiled at me and continued to force feed me. I normally would be upset but I knew this was all in good fun. When the food on the tray was done Steve leaned down and kissed me.

"Good Stark..." He said softly.

I smiled and kissed him. I heard my door open again then I heard a soft chuckle. We both turned and saw Hawkeye standing there. He was smirking.

"Gosh guys, at least get on a bed or something." He teased.

I stared at him and Steve blushed darkly. He smiled and chuckled.

"Hey we got a job to do now lovebirds. Think you can stay apart for that long?"

I looked at Steve and he looked at me.

"Let's get him." I said plainly.

Steve giggled and we slowly got up.



((These lovelies belong to Marvel I'm pretty sure, and this request is for Oznamuno19 ))

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