The date

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((Request for Oznamuno19 ))

Claude's POV

"...This is a nice date Claude. I like it."

N's voice broke into my consciousness. I looked up from my food and looked at N. He was smiling at me. I jumped and smiled at him, leaning on the table.

"What! Oh, yeah! It's nice isn't it?"

Before I could say anything cute I felt my hand slip and I fell off my chair, throwing my drink into the air and it landed on my head. N gasped.

"Claude are you alright?!" He exclaimed.

I sat back up with my cup on my head. I felt embarrassment flooding threw me.

Fuck! How can I fix this?! Think Claude think!!

I took a deep breath and smiled at him.

"Bro, don't tell me you've never thought about wearing your cup on your head? It's a awesome hat!" I exclaimed.

N just stared at me. I smiled weakly and reached to grab my drink but then I realized that my drink was on my head. I blushed darkly and smiled nervously.

"Hehe... I need a refill... Can you believe the service in this place? Gosh man..."

I got up and I took a step forward. My foot slipped and I fell to the floor. I got to my feet again only to slip one more time and bash my head into the table on accident. I got up quickly, feeling pain in my face, but I walked off quickly, trying to act cool. When I was out of N's field of vision I grabbed my face and whined in pain

"Ow ow ow... Fuck that hurt so bad..." I whimpered.

I shook my head to clear the pain then got a refill. I walked back and sat down again. N was staring at me, his blue-grey eyes wide with shock.

"C-Claude you're bleeding..." He said softly.

I blinked then grabbed a napkin. I pushed it against my nose and wiped away the blood.

"Better?" I asked, taking a long sip from my soda.

N blinked slowly and glanced at his food. I felt my heart race.

Come on Claude, think of something funny to say! I thought.

I cleared my throat and smiled at him.

"You smell nice today N." I said happily.

N looked up and smiled warmly.

"Aw, thank you Cla-"

"Not that I was sniffing your neck or anything, you just left a shirt at my house and I sniff it every night!"

N just stared at me. I smiled weakly then sighed.

"Yeah... I gotta go." I said, getting up and walking off.

Fuck I ruined it...


"So how'd it go Claude?"

I was at my house lying on my bed. I was talking on the phone with my best friend Benjamin. I was telling him about my date with N.

"Oh, it was great! Yeah, I can see a lot more dates in the future!" I said happily.

There was a pause.

"That horrible, huh?"


End ((N belongs to Gamefreak, Claude and Benjamin is mine.))

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