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The large hallway stationed near the ICU room, filled with anxiety and worries. Everybody held their breath in, not knowing how the results would turn out. High priests, mages, healers, knights, and shamans all were hired by Deruth to make sure that his newlywed wife and his newborn child would be safe.

The atmosphere was overwhelming, causing the youngest child to feel fear. Everything was new to him; the people surrounding him were new too. The brown hair child slowly crawled into his new father's side, grabbing the edge of the shirt's hem. Deruth was startled with an unknown presence on his legs as he looked at his son. He let out a small smile patting his head, reassuring that everything would turn out great.

The sudden performance between the new father and son duo didn't go unnoticed. People eyed them filled with admiration. Who wouldn't? It was a lovely sight to see how the father consoled the little one that their mother would be alright.

Murmurs went around as the other whispered about how Deruth was a great father figure. How he was indeed a nice person to treat a child, who is not his by blood, so gently and lovingly.

However, two pairs of eyes looked at the scene with amusement. They found the whole situation funny. Well, for them, the words Deruth and good father figure didn't belong to each other. They could only scoff at the sight. Who could blame them? Deruth here was worried out of his breath for his new wife as if she was near death's door, yet this scene was nowhere close when his late wife was literally on death's door.

The twins turned around at once as they heard loud cries fill the hallway. Seeing that Deruth and his son rushed inside the room, they were ready to head out. They had no reason to go visit anyway.

"Ron. Prepare to leave."

No questions were asked, nor did people argue for them to visit their new sibling. The twins didn't consider the people inside the room family; everybody knew that.

The reason.

The newborn child.

Lily Henituse.

Though the child did not commit the crime of being born. Though she knew nothing that happened due to her birth.

She was the symbol of the sinful act her parents did to ruin a happy family.

Though the twins would argue that it was not.

"If we were truly a happy family, this incident would have never occurred."

They would say.

The birth of the youngest child in the territory caused an uproar across the territory. Deruth had to spend gallons of money to celebrate the moment inviting every noble possible.

Cale sat down on his given spot, waiting for his brother as he observed the nobles that arrived. He scoffed at their fake action showing gratitude towards the family.

'Pests are everywhere here.'

Cale mentally rolled his eyes; he let out a smile whenever nobles met his eyes. He sat in the far corner on the second floor, meaning that nobody would be able to disturb him.

He didn't want to talk to them anyway.

He would turn nine in a few months, yet he felt as if he lived a very long life. A tiring long life that he cared about nothing other than his precious twin.

They say the environment that you grow up in shapes the person you become.

He smiled slightly as he agreed to the thought.

People saw him as a bundle of sunshine. The one that needs to be protected at all costs. A child that lost their mother and has an unworthy being carrying the title called father. They petty him. Looked at him with sympathy-filled eyes.

Life as Henituse twinsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora