Introduction in Pinochle Types

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The name of PT came from naomitanizaki (ttk) I'm very thankful about that. Pinochle types is similar in structure to Big 5 (sloan) but doesn't work the same way.
Yes you can use others typologies as a base since some of PT was made based on others typologies. The original idea was it to work like Attitudinal Psyche mixed with MBTI but it was more complicated and it would have a lot of types (I will elaborate on that in another chapter).
PT typing is something like behavior + cognition. So it's good to have someone who can check if your type makes sense.
  In PT you need to choose between 2/3 letters at each spot, the letters also interact with each other it's a pretty basic system comparing to it's older version.

Deciding L/F
Acceptance S/O
Working A/I
Production C/W
Behavior i/e/a

L(Logic)/F(Feeling): If your main decisions come mostly with logic or feeling, even if you're the type of person that cares about the feelings of the others you can be T or if you ask people about advice on if something works you can be F. The thing is what do you do first? What is your first reaction to make a decision?
S(Self)/O(Others): This isn't if you care about how people are feeling or how you're feeling, it's if you ask people for advice or not. If you're O you're prone to ask for people's opinions, yes you can judge them and not accept it. S decides from themselves and are prone to not accept others opinions, if they make a decision they'll make for the group not caring about opinions unless it seems dangerous to them. O can make decisions on their own and reject others opinions S don't accept external help easily because they don't want. Sometimes an O will reject all of the people's help and S will jusy accept it due to stress. The type is determined by which is more often.
A(Action)/I(Imagining): A will work with their hands I will visualize it. This is not about thinking before you do something, it's more about your final decision of doing something or not, this is related to the Production

C(Creator)/W(Worker): If you're making the change or want to make a change in the world it's C, if you don't care really much about how the world is even if you like it to change and you only live your life doing your stuff without worrying about making something new you're W. As said before Working is highly related to Production.

AC= People who wants to make the difference and try to do it
IC= People who wants the difference but only keeps it on their head or don't take action on it
IW=People who often contemplates about how their life is going
AW=People who don't care too much about making the difference or to philosophy about their life, they often use their head to deal with problems that are happening now.

i(introverted)/e(extroverted)/a(ambivert): It's what the word says, if you prefer to be alone i, if you prefer to be with people e, if you prefer sometimes to be with people and sometimes not and is something between i or e you're a. To discover your type ask of how you get burnout more often, from interacting too much or not interacting a lot? Of course e will feel bad if there's a lot of people with problems and i will feel bad if they're feeling lonely, the difference of a is something like of wanting this now or this. To clarify some doubts if you're i/e or a you can ask what happens more often, then decide if you're i or e, if you have both tendencies kinda equally you're a.
PT was primarily based to knowing how to talk with other people, mainly the ones you don't know. It can also be used as a tool to find your others typologies but nothing is confirmed as it's a new typology system. I could say that for example Ne users would be more prone to be AC/IC and Si users IW/AW. AW could be E9 too but there's no real confirmation.

This will be the introduction for now, please ask questions or how to know your type if you can't decide it I'll use your comment to try to type you and also explain in next chapters.

Guide to Pinochle Types (PT)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon