A Missing Quilt

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Professor Fitzsimmons slept in a onesie. A onesie with cartoon moths on it. They also had a matching eye mask. If Bagsy weren't in the process of having a mild panic attack, she'd have laughed.

'Emese? What's this?' Fitzsimmons askes sleepily, descending from their hammock.

'The suits of armour, Dantes,' Starrett explained in a hushed voice, as if she could keep the conversation from Bagsy. 'They were attacking her.' Starrett indicated Bagsy with her still glowing wand, a handful of moths flittering around it. Fitzsimmons waved their hand and lanterns sprung to life around them. The moths dispersed, and the light illuminated the shock on Fitzsimmons face. It also revealed a fresh, deep wound on their cheek, and Bagsy held back a gasp. She'd had Defence Against the Dark Arts before lunch every Tuesday, and Fitzsimons hadn't had an injury then.

Mezrielda's warning of the need to be cautious of Fitzsimmons echoed in Bagsy's head. She shivered and, surprising herself, hid behind Starrett's nightgown, peeking out at Fitzsimmons, whose face had turned grave.

'What do you suggest?' Starrett asked.

Fitzsimmons frowned. 'We'll have to remove all of them from the school.'

Bagsy's heart leapt. 'Please don't kick me out!' she squeaked in a small voice, subconsciously clinging onto the fabric of Professor Starrett's night gown.

Starrett, looking annoyed, swept her gown out of Bagsy's hands. 'Keep your fingers off my clothes,' she hissed.

'Starrett,' Fitzsimmons said harshly. Starrett looked away from Bagsy with irritation but didn't insult her further. Fitzsimmons turned their kind face on Bagsy. Their eyes were uncomfortably small without their usual magnification, even if they were still larger than any eyes Bagsy had seen before. 'Bagsy, you won't be removed from Hogwarts. I only meant that the suits of armour will be removed from the premises, seeing as the psychic blocks we placed on them evidently aren't working.'

Bagsy let out a breath of relief.

'Stupid girl...' Starrett muttered under her breath.

'I'll escort Bagsy to her dorm,' Fitzsimmons said, slowly descending down the hole leading out of their room. Starrett motioned for Bagsy to go next. Hands shaking, Bagsy climbed down the ladder. Once the three of them were on the landing the glass ladder disappeared once more.

Starrett, with a baleful look at Bagsy and a grumble, walked in the opposite direction from them.

'Come,' Fitzsimmons said calmly, conjuring their mammoth pair of glasses out of thin air and neatly placing them over their eyes. 'I expect you're very tired.'

'Not anymore,' Bagsy answered honestly.

'That is understandable.' Fitzsimmons paused by a painting. The women within, who were usually sitting having tea, had night caps and blankets drawn over them. Fitzsimmons tapped the painting lightly.

One woman startled awake. 'Professor?' she said.

'Fetch Mistress Foncée,' Fitzsimmons instructed her. 'Inform her there is a mess that needs cleaning, and to bring the armour polish.' The painted woman nodded and disappeared out of her frame.

Fitzsimmons kept walking, their slippers, which they wore on top of their onesie, tapping softly on the stone floor. When they reached where it had happened Bagsy saw her belongings scattered on the ground. With a swish of their wand, Fitzsimmons organised the mess and passed Bagsy her bag. She thanked them and, when they reached the Hufflepuff dormitory, thanked them again. Fitzsimmons turned to leave.

'Professor?' Bagsy asked abruptly. Fitzsimmons paused and looked back at her. 'How do you and the other professors keep appearing and disappearing from the Hufflepuff common room? I never see you use the passage.' She gestured at the barrel that hid the way to the common room.

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