A Persistent Scar

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The first thought that crossed Bagsy's mind when her eyes opened was whether she'd dreamt her second year at Hogwarts and had only just escaped from the blood eyed beast through the endless staircase after Mezrielda had used the thorned gauntlet to save her.

Looking around, Bagsy knew she hadn't been dreaming. Her legs were held at an upwards tilt by white bandages attached to hovering metal poles above her bed. She remembered the beast biting down on her calves and feet and winced in terror at the thought.

She allowed herself a few moments of open weeping. She usually hated how much she cried, but she felt pretty justified in that moment. As her vision blurred from her tears, she had a suffocating feeling she was inside a small, dark, red space, and didn't know how to shake the sensation away. She could barely comprehend what had happened. The events clustered around in her mind, unordered and messy. Bagsy wasn't sure what had happened first, and what had happened last, but she felt like her skin was covered in a thick, red substance, and fought the urge to scrub at her arms.

Nurse Jones must have noticed she'd awoken, as he rushed out of the room, his feet as quick as a drum roll, and re-appeared with Professor Fitsimmons a few moments later. Bagsy wiped her eyes and sniffed, trying her best to rid herself of the lump in her throat. It took her a few more minutes but, eventually, she managed to keep herself quiet.

Fitzsimmons summoned a stool next to Bagsy's bed and sat down, placing two wands, one walnut and one hornbeam, on the bedside table. 'These were recovered,' they said. 'I believe they are yours.'

Bagsy sat silently. She looked at her walnut wand that for the briefest of moments she'd been able to cast spells with, and then at her bandaged legs. Spots of red poked through to the top of the dressings.

'Mezrielda and Tod are safe,' Fitzsimmons informed Bagsy gently, 'as is Horba, the elf, who insists that he owes you his life.' Bagsy nodded numbly, looking at her legs. 'You were very brave, Bagsy,' Fitzsimmons said carefully, 'and it was my failings again that caused you the sufferings you have experienced.'

'No,' Bagsy murmured, not looking at them, her voice suddenly rushing. 'I was stupid. It was my fault.'

'That's not-'

'I remember now. The worms. They said that the beast can't kill anyone else until she's killed me.' Bagsy didn't need to hold back her tears then, there were none; she felt empty. 'When I went to the beast I put everyone in danger. If it had killed me it could have killed everyone. Horba doesn't owe me anything. No one does.'

Fitzsimmons frowned. 'The worms?'

'Yes,' Bagsy said, still looking at her feet. 'The worms were trying to warn me, but I didn't listen. I was lied to. I was stupid.' She narrowed her eyes hatefully. 'Cora's right. The beast made a mistake. It shouldn't have marked me – it won't gain anything by consuming me.'

'You know about the mark, then,' was all Fitzsimmons said.

Bagsy nodded. 'Why didn't you tell me?'

Fitzsimmons looked down, inspecting their shoes, before returning their large eyes to Bagsy. 'I thought it would upset you. Marking is one of the more horrid sides of magic. The necklace I gave you kept you safe, or so I thought. I decided there was no need to alarm you.' They stood up, walking to the end of the bed where Bagsy saw the quilt her sister had made for her was folded neatly. 'If you'd rather know the truth, then I shall tell you the truth. I've spent this year trying to kill the beast.' Bagsy finally looked at Fitzsimmons, noticing all the scars and injuries they'd gained. 'When yourself and Mezrielda used the gauntlet last year, it made a weak point between the beast's world and ours. The professors and I have been keeping an eye on the beast, ensuring it wouldn't escape. When my strength would return from the previous attempt, I would enter its world again to try and vanquish it. Unfortunately, this proved nearly impossible. Even with the help of other, highly competent, professors the beast could not be slain. It simply sat in one corner of the other Hogwarts, hunched over something I now realise must have been Horba, ignoring our attacks and, on occasion, hitting back at us with its clawed arms.' They paused. 'Are you aware of the power Professor Starrett holds at her fingertips?'

Bagsy Beetlehorn and the Corvid Trials (The Bagsy Chronicles 2)Where stories live. Discover now