5. Once Upon A Townsend

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My eyes fluttered opened when I heard a buzz sound to my left.

Once my vision cleared, I blinked multiple times with a furrow between my brows as I didn't recognize the spacious room I was in.

Leaning over to grab my phone, I sighed when I realized the buzzing was emails. My folder was piling up with over a dozen confirmation emails, shipments and delay notifications. It wasn't my job to stress over them since I have Deena, my secretary, but I made a mental note to help clear up my spam for her.

My hand stilled when I felt movement on the bed next to me and memories of what happened last night started to cloud my mind, making my ears burn. Last night, he made me feel more appreciated than any other partner I've had. It didn't feel needy, rushed or even nasty, it was... strangely loving to have been with him.

Biting my lip, I glanced at Bryan to see that he was laying on his stomach with his face towards the large window on the other side of his bedroom. It was dark because of the thick curtains that blocked the brightness of the snow outside from shining through. My eyes couldn't have been more grateful along with my nerves when Byan didnt move an inch while I gathered my clothes.

Wherever they are...

Last night was kind of a blur, but the more I woke up, the more I remembered how I had spent it with the handsome brunette on the bed.

All warm and fuzzy thoughts vacated my mind after checking the time on my phone.

9: 29 AM

I muttered a curse.

Brunch with the girls and Gavin was at 10 and I barely had my bra buckled on, my hair was all over the place in tangles! Not to mention, I live 10 minutes away from Bryan which is most definitely going to be longer due to early morning traffic!

When I quietly made my way to the kitchen, I groaned in annoyance as I slipped into my sweatpants, black t-shirt and Tims. I didn't want to prolong my stay and gathered my purse and keys--

The car being at Joseph's Café and not outside for you to drive, idiot.

My arms went limp at my sides when I faced the ceiling with a shameful laugh. If I don't call an uber or lyft, I will most definitely be doing the walk of shame.


The uber arrived before Bryan crawled out of his bed and met me in the kitchen. I didn't want to face him in the disoriented state I was in right now or get offered breakfast in bed or something! If it was any other day, I would have gladly eaten whatever he would have cooked for me, but today wasn't an ordinary day. Thanks to Claire and her history of men that she didn't bother mentioning to me, she and I could get thrown behind bars if pieces of a puzzle began to fall at the investigators feet!

I had notified Gavin and the girls that I might be a little late just to be considerate of their feelings and in hopes that they won't take my absence as me not caring enough to get out of bed.

It was 15 minutes after 10 when I arrived home to greet Ella, my new favorite critter that could be used as evidence if discovered. Damien had given me some crickets and grasshoppers that I could feed her little shy self. She willingly hid in the humid tank, the rocks, sand and piles of wood I gave her made it hard for me to spot her at first and when I did, I smiled when she seemingly forgave me for taking away her stinger. I knew she wasn't going to be neglected out in the world to feel threatened to use it.

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