10. The Letter Opener

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It was past 3 am when I dropped off the last groupie, Belle to her house. It would've been sooner given the girls lived in close range of eachother, but with their giggling, intoxicated fascination with the feel of the car seat covers and me trying to get food in their system along with plenty of water, it had taken much longer.

Happily driving Krause's car, I eyed his unconscious body in the backseat. He was sitting up right, the light hair on his head no longer in helmet form, but appeared all over the place because of the girls having their way with his hair instead of him having his with their bodies. The sanitizer in my purse was quickly applied on my hands, the whereabouts of his were unknown to me.

His address was saved into the GPS of his car and yet the small bag of Ketamine was easier to find rolled up in his wallet! He didn't live all that close to the lower east side of New York, the fact left me puzzled as to why he was going out of his way--range to do horrific things, not that it should be tolerated in close range either.

The large townhouses had individual light sources directed towards the front doors rather than street lights to help pave the way for me to see. It was perfect as it'll help make me come and go more conspicuously. I didn't plan on becoming the top tier vigilante that I was tonight, but I didn't mind making time to do just that. Krause made it easier by having the supply I could use just to end his life without things getting ugly.

Ketamine can cause slight amnesia so the chances of the girls remembering how they got home is lowered. It was even more convenient for our place in the club to be in the blind spot of the cameras present inside.

"It's not so hard just to be a good person," I grumbled, tugging on his arm to carefully move him from the back seat. I so badly wanted to drag him like a sack of potatoes, but if someone called to do a welfare check on Krause, the officers who'd arrive would notice the concrete creating it's mark on his face if I did, an obvious sign of foul play and not an accidental overdose.

Holding his limp body to my side, I looked at the set of keys he had and rolled my eyes at the cross on them.

How dare he have something so angelic on his Keychain and willing to do anything but?

Looking at his unconscious face, I rolled my eyes and approached his front door. The townhouse key provides the building and letter, making it easy for me to pinpoint his correct home. As I unlocked the door, I realized all of what I could be doing instead of this, I could be sleeping, I could've ate delicious takeout or even watched a comedy show like Friends to get my mind off things!

Dropping Krause on the ground, I unrolled the Ketamine and held it, the weight of it approximately being 12 ounces.

Eying the 6 foot something offender, I shrugged and decided to give him all of it.

When I looked back at him, he wasn't on the floor.

I didn't have enough time to think where he could've gone so fast because strong arms wrapped around my neck in a choke hold, my air supply being robbed from me almost in an instant.

My heart jolted and an overwhelming amount of adrenaline kicked in as Krause started cursing at me, loudly. He had no shortage of insults tonight and what felt like every single one he knew was being taken out on me!

Snatching his keys from off his kitchen counter, I used the one to open his front door to stab him in the forearm. He screamed, letting me go, but not without shoving me hard to the floor where the sharp edge of the counter scraped the corner of my forehead.

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