Chapter 1 - Housework

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When we first met master, he seemed to be quite a plausible man

But the fact that he cruelly trampled on our generosity, Our good hearts, And even our future

In the middle of the mountains

was something i just found out the day i arrived in his run-down shack.

'its shabby?'
'why is a powerful martial artist living in such a place? well, i didnt really believe he was strong but it was pretty impressive how he knocked down all those trees.'

'It must be those types of guys who train their students in secluded areas... that must be it.'

Ryu: "Well, It's fine the most important thing is to learn after all! im a kindhearted child, so i shouldnt mind it to much"

"Psh, yeah right"

Ryu decided to ignore the shade that was thrown to him

Ryu: "Now, What am i gonna learn today?"

Master: "Hoo~ are you sure you are ready?"

The next day.

Master: "im only going to do this once so watch carefully."

'but he's just washing rice...'

Master: "Lightly and softly, But also meticoulously use the strength of your fingers."

Master: "dont change the water more than three times when washing."

"hey Ryu are you sure we should still follow this old man?"

Ryu: "either way we cant do anything to him so might as well"

Master: "especially when cooking in the mountains, putting a rock on top of the lid makes the true taste of rice come out, It's a secret method."

"Oh, i see..."

The next day.

Master: "Every type of food has it's own characteristics, So you have to use a different technique for each food, however, there are some cersatile techniques like Stir-frying Which can be used for vegetables, meat, Tofu, Etc."

Master: "After all the ingredients are put on the hot oil, They have to be stirred for a brief moment, The cooking process is complete when both the fragrance and ingredients become one,"

Master: "When making soup, The essence of the Ingredients must be to the borht without making the solids Flabby and lifeless, You must treat it delicatley and with patience"

Master: "That's why in all aspects of cooking, The most important thing is... Your feelings!"

yeah my feelings of hate, Your bassically just teaching us how to feed you!

Master: "if you cook with sincerity, The entire universe will become your strength"

Ryu: "Ah, Yes... but master, Are you perhaps a chef? am i going to be learning cooking to become the best chef in the world?

Master: "Hoo~ you're not seeing the big picture. What I'm trying to teach you is...

Lightning degree


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