Chapter Eleven - Over Again

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"So wait, you don't like tacos?" His voice sounds shattered as he puts himself back. We'd been sitting here for who knows how long simply getting to know each other. I learned that Henti had only been in one real relationship, and he'd learned I don't like tacos.

"I can't believe this, how?" He asks laughing.

"I just don't like ground beef." I defend myself.

"So you like other tacos? Like with chicken?" He asks.

I shrug. "Eh." He rolls his eyes chuckling. Neither of us continues the conversation at first. We just sit there, his eyes watching mine carefully. I felt a new and unusual comfort to his orbs looking onto mine. After a few minutes, he begins playing with my hair.

"You know I've always secretly wanted curly hair," his voice is soft and calm as he gently twirls one of my strands of hair. I smile at him as we sit on the couch facing each other, simply enjoy the time. I can't help but chuckle at his comment. He grins, eyes still relaxed.

"What? I think I'd look nice with some volume."

"Trust me you don't want them. They're little devils most of the time. Best keep your hair as is." I grin at the thought of him with a full head of curls.

"We've been together for a few hours and you're already telling me what I can and can't do with my hair?" His smirk grows as he inhales deeply. His eyes divert from mine to the curl wrapped around his finger as he continues twirling.

"A few hours?" I ask looking around his living room to find a clock. He releases the strand to point to the clock behind me.

"It's nearly 1." His posture straightens as I quickly get up from his embrace on the couch.

"Shit," I murmur trying to locate my phone. No missed calls from my parents, that's good. "I have to go." I turn to him as he's already stood up, and made his way over to me.

"Past your bed time?" He smirks making me roll my eyes.

"No. I told my parents I was at Emily's house, at this point they'd think its unusual for me not to just stay the night you know? If I don't go back now it'll be suspicious." My voice softens trying not to suggest anything. He simply nods understanding.

"Say no more," his smile is genuine and sincere. It brings a calming ease throughout my body. I look up at him, slightly feeling bad for leaving so quickly. But I know I shouldn't stay; so much has happened tonight already and I need some time to process it. His eyes stare down at me as if in awe making me flush and glance away. He gently grabs my chin lifting it up once more.

"You should get used to being admired around me." His sweet statement brings butterflies to my stomach as he leans in to kiss me. His lips pause just before meeting mine.

"Is this okay?" He smiles and I glare at him.

"If you ask me that one more time, I'm gonna lose it." I whisper in frustration.

"Calm down, I was just checking." His laugh leads him into me as pushes himself into the kiss. I am instantly at a loss of breath and he grins into my lips at my reaction. His hands gently settle on my waist as his lips slowly entertain mine. The kiss is soft, sweet, and calm; something we both really needed right now. Yet still, I feel my heart pounding in my chest, as if it was reaching out to his. I begin to push my lips more forcefully at his, to which he responds... well. He releases my lips momentarily to quickly breath in air then pushes them against mine once more. Forcefully.

He pulls me closer, and I'm sure he can feel my heat pumping against his chest. His lips pull away from mine, his small breath releasing against my lips as he still holds me against him. I see him smile, eyes still closed as he whispers softly, "I'm pretty sure the neighbors can hear your pulse, Marry." He smiles down innocently at me making my cheeks flush red.

"You should probably get going. Do you want me to drive you home?" He asks and I simply shake my head.

"No I'll be fine. Thanks though." I step for the door looking back at him. "I'll see you..." I stop myself mid sentence, not wanting to wait til Monday to see him again.

"Monday," He finishes with a tone that shows he's got the same feeling.

"Monday." I say opening the door, my eyes afraid to leave his. Everything about this night has been perfect: everything falling into places, just talking and talking, actually getting to know him, being with him in the simplest form. It was just so calming. I force my way through the door and bid my way into the night.

"Goodnight David," I smile, feeling the joy of saying his name.

"Goodnight Marry. Sleep tight." I smile walking out and down the hallway of his apartment complex. This was the 3rd hardest goodbye I ever said to David Henti. If given the chance I'd do it all over again.


Yes this is an extremely short part, but it's all I could manage today. Hope it will help pull some of you through JUST A FEW DAYS! I typed this up during my off hour, so I really didn't read over it. Sorry for any errors...

(yes the one direction song was completely necessary)

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