Chapter Nine - Crazy

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Not to say I spent the rest of the weekend cooped up in my house, but that's exactly how the weekend fell into place. My parents had already left for work by the time I got home that Saturday morning, so I was able to enter without any concerned questions regarding my appearance- though I doubt they'd say anything anyways. Unless it was something that had direct impact on my future like my GPA, they couldn't care less. After taking a quick shower, I made a bowl of cereal and headed to the TV. I opened up my online TV shows and put them on auto play. AKA I'm too lazy to hit  “Play next episode.”

I would be perfectly content spending the entirety of my day this way, busting through half a season a day (depending on the length of the episodes), sitting on the couch, not talking to anyone. But of course, life doesn't ever seem to work that way. There's always something tugging you away from the Netflix, something pulling you from your happy place. Today that 'something' was Emily.

I try to ignore the knocks at the door, but Emily doesn't give up. I roll my eyes, pause the 3rd episode of the morning and slug to the door.

“What?” I half jokingly snap. She rolls her eyes, and walks past me into my house. She's here so often, it's like her second home. No I take that back, she's here more than her actual house.

“Well aren't you just a ray of sunshine this morning.” She laughs walking over to the couch to sit down. She smiles when she sees the TV. “How I met your mother? Really?”

“Hey I'm like the only soul who didn't watch it when it was actually aired. Figured I'd see all the fuss was about.” I say sitting on the couch as well.

“The ending sucks.” She laughs.

“So I've heard.” I say nodding. I already know how it ends... I googled it after watching the first season.

“So,” she starts grinning at me uncontrollably. “Are we going to talk about shows, or are we going to talk about your night? I heard about Henti.”

“What do you mean?” I ask. “I thought you left with Ash at like 11?”

She nods. “I did, but Caleb called me this morning to tell me how you left him without a ride last night. Something about you going up to a room with none other than Mr. Henti.”

I roll my eyes. “He wouldn't let me drive because I had a few sips of a drink. They were calling everyone cabs, but I couldn't come home in a cab. My parents are calm and all, but that would be a stretch.”

“So how'd this lead to sharing a room?” She asks eagerly.

“We didn't share a room. Now stop interrupting.” I laugh “One of the guys said I could sleep in the a room upstairs.. Henti showed me his old room so I could sleep there...”

“Woah woah.” She blurst in. “Mr Henti was in a frat?” I raise an eyebrow at her to get her to be quiet.

“Sorry,” she murmurs.

“So we started talking a bit, and well, I came onto him.” As I said these words, her eyes widened and I realized she was going to interrupt regardless, so I let it be.

“What did you do?” 

“I- I was trying to get him to cave. I know it sounds horrible when I say it like that. I had pulled him in, and well, I sort of gave him a hickey.” I pause. “Two acctually.”

“Oh my God.” her face was all but expressionless. Her eyes full of shock, her smile cheek to cheek. “How'd he react?”

“He didn't at first. He kept saying I was 17 and it wouldn't work, but he didn't move an inch. He stood there frozen for a minute or so as if he was afraid to move. He did eventually give in a little, but not much. He had his hands very tightly on my waist pulling me closer. I really did think things were going great. Then he just pulled away.”

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