Chapter 12 - Taking my time

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I couldn't tell Emily. I couldn't tell Caleb. I couldn't tell a soul. I couldn't remark on the goose bumps his looks gave me as his eyes watched mine the night I was with him. I couldn't kiss and tell. I had to keep in all of the feelings, bottle up all of my excitement, and simply resist... trust me that's far easier said than done. All I can think about is him as I get out of my car Monday morning bright and early. We hadn't specifically talked much about me coming back to be his TA, but I simply assumed I'd be welcome.

As I walk through the front door, I debate texting Emily telling her I won't meet her during 1st, but decided against it. If I tell her, she'll just ask why; it'd be much easier to say I overslept. With a perk and stride in my step I make my way to Henti's room faster than normal. I glance up at the clock to see that first hour has already started and I feel a sigh of relief. I didn't want to seem too eager to see him- regardless of if I was.

As I enter the room, he stands up from his desk smiling. "Ah Marry, I was hoping you'd stop by this morning." He grabs a to-go coffee cup sitting on his desk and makes his way over to me. He steps slightly past me and reaches for the door handle closing it shut.

"Just to be cautious, we close this door now." He states softly stepping back to me. He gives a strong yet quick hello kiss fluttering my stomach.

I can't help but grin slightly as I pull away. "You taste like coffee."

"Ah I wonder why." He chuckles pointing to the other to-go cup on his desk. He pushes the one currently in his hands into mine glancing up at me. "This is yours."

I look up at him confused. "You don't even know what I like."

"Oh I could easily figure out what you like Marry," his murmur is suggestive with his smirk. "But another time. This is my attempt to save you from the over sweetened so-called coffee that is Starbucks. Give it a try." He gestures at the cup. I lift it to my lips, burning my tongue as I take sip. Instantly, I make a face.

"Too strong?" He laughs, and I see his body relax as he leans against his desk.

"I'm someone who has coffee with their creamer."

"Yet you don't add milk to your tea?" He asks referring to our conversation Saturday night. "Where's the sense in that?"

I think to myself for a minute trying to explain. "Coffee on it's own is bitter. I don't care if it's 'strong,' Tea plain is strong but..." I pause trying to find the right word. "Fulfilling. Adding something else would just ruin the tea."

"You sure are confusing"

"Oh I'm the confusing one." I laugh.

"Glad you've admitted it." His grin covers his entire face. "Now, Ms May I'd like to start going over this week's lesson plan." He begins walking over to his desk signaling me to follow. He sits in his throne of a desk chair, and I stand behind him looking over his shoulder.

"So how are you planning on crushing marriage today?" I joke. He rolls his eyes as he looks up to me.

"I'm simply showing marriage from a sociological standpoint. We're still going on about pre-marital applications."

"Okay, how?" I ask. He slides his chair slightly to the side pointing to the papers on his desk.

"With the game we decided on last week. The next few days have already been planned. Unfortunately, Friday it's notes." He says quietly. "I've tried to come up with some better way to get the information across, but simply writing it down is the only way."

"No notes." I snap to which he rolls his florescent eyes.

"It's just for one day. I just need you guys to learn the stats, then we can apply it later."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2015 ⏰

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