Chapter Three - Tonight's Phantasm

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“I GOT IT!” One of the girl’s opponents scream as she gently bounces the ball over the net. I feel greatly empowered as I dive just enough to bounce the ball back up for Megan to swat it down. Three girls on their team dive for, and miss the ball. I jump up from the floor simultaneously as the crowd rises from their seats. We’d just won the game. I walk around our side of the court, high fiving each of my teammates for our literal domination. I glance back to the cheering crowd to see Emily and Caleb already standing up to head to the car. I nod at them smiling. They always leave early to get the car ready, so I can run out and we can all beat the parking lot traffic.

My eyes follow them to the door and I try to see if Henti’s still there. Part of me secretly wished he was. Hoping that maybe he’d stayed the whole game to simply watch me play. Though I knew it was stupid. I wanted him to be gone. I don’t need this kind of distraction. I gave into my curiosities to see that he had in fact stayed, but was now leaving to the door. I felt a slight relief when his eyes did not meet mine. I exhale and walk over to shake hands with the other team.

After we are excused, I literally run to the parking lot to find Caleb’s car. I find them already pulled over by the front doors. “You guys completely dominated.” Caleb says enthusiastically as I opened the door and hop in.

“You sound surprised.” I say smiling. He chuckles putting his car into drive and pulls out of the parking lot.

“So where are we going tonight?” Emily asked turning around to face me from the passenger seat.

“I actually have to go home.” I say sighing anticipating her response.

“What why?” Her and Caleb both ask.

“I have a bunch of work to do.” I say.

“For what class?” Caleb asks concerned. “We didn’t have anatomy homework did we?”

“No I’m grading quizzes for Mr. Henti. It’s a long story.” I laugh. “Drop me off at school?”

“Your car’s there?”

“Yeah.” I say.

“I don’t see why they make you guys take the buses if you can just drive.” Emily said.

“Seriously, the school parking lot is sketchy at night.” Caleb laughs.

We drive to the school, talking about what everyone’s plans are for the weekend. Of course neither Em or I had any, so we’d probably just hang out. Caleb on the other hand had his 3rd first date this week. Ever since his girlfriend Ashley dumped him, he’s been meeting a bunch of girls on some app on his phone, and seeing at least 4 a week. He continually told us that he was just trying to find the right one, but Em and I both knew he was simply lonely.

When I eventually get home, I make my way to the kitchen to find a pot of boiling bean soup on the stovetop. Next to it, a sheet of paper from my parents saying the both had to work late. It was a usual thing for me to come home to a premade dinner, both my parents worked in a hospital, and they usually had to stay for a late surgery. I pour myself a bowl and turn on the big bang theory. I keep finding myself looking over at my backpack thinking about the papers I need to grade for Henti. Without turning off the TV I pull them out, along with a colored pen.

Henti teaches both sociology and psychology, so I was quite confused when I read some of the psychology questions. I pull out the key from the back, and begin grading the first paper. It’s fairly easy, being mostly multiple choice, so I keep half my attention on the TV. As I get to the last question, I notice there is no answer for it on his key. I read the questions silently to myself. Other than the idea of the unachievable “Consummate Love,” Which of Sternberg’s theory of love do you feel is the most important in human life?” The student went ranting on about something called “Empty Love” that has to do with some super commitment of something like that.

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