41º Cap - "Haddad denies having killed Sheik"

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Yussuf looks Yasmin and says he needs to go back to Dubai as fast as possible.

"I'll come back today."

- Take me with you.

"No princess. You and Aysha stay. I will only come back with my mother and Said, who is the prince of this emirate.

"Darling, is it really true what's written there?"

- It's an anonymous ticket, I need to find out.

"But what does your intuition say?"

"My intuition says it's all true, what's written on this note.

"Why will it be then that the author of the ticket does not want the reward?"

"Why will it be then that the author of the ticket does not want the reward?"

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"Maybe it's an accomplice."

"Is Yussuf?" But if so, it is at risk, to be denounced.

"That's what I'm going to make Haddad do, report your accomplice.

"What happened, Yussuf, why would you call me urgently?"

"Where's my sister?"

"In the room talking to your mother."

- Read this.

Said looks indignant Yussuf.

"When are we leaving?"

- Within today.

- It gives me a thirty minutes to make some decisions.

- OK. I'll be waiting for you. Said, it's better than AYSHA stay.

- I fully agree.

"Will not you at least tell her?"

"Yes, I'll do it now." Come with me, my love.

Yussuf and Yasmin give hands and go out.

Rana read a story, in a foreign magazine, when Yussuf knocks on the door.

Rana read a story, in a foreign magazine, when Yussuf knocks on the door

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- Mother. We come.

"Oh my children, of course."

"I was sleeping, Mrs. Rana?

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