73º Capítulo - "The little cousins ​​complete a month"

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Little cousins ​​Raj and Zaya are prepared for a photo shoot that will take place at the palace.

- The baby is sleeping dear.

- The photos will only be when he wakes up Yussuf.

- Yasmin tells the photographer not to turn on the flash when he takes a picture of their faces. OK?

- Don't tell me that you are afraid, that the flash will blind our son?

- No of course not. Although I was even impressed when I learned that a baby in China was blinded by the flash.

- I also heard about this case, but the specialist explained that there was no proof.

- How strange the case was.

- Don't worry, okay love?

- How can I not worry, dear? Even knowing that flash does not cause us to notice, they may get scared and cry.

- How can I not worry, dear? Even knowing that flash does not cause us to notice, they may get scared and cry

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- Yussuf babies cry did you know? And ours is not even spoken.

- Especially now that he's addicted to the lap. The other day I made him sleep and when I went to put him in his crib he was ready. He let out such a scream that I had to get him back.

-It's his fault and his mother who live with him in her arms.

- There is and your mother doesn't?

- Don't put her in this story, because even she has already left.

Yasmin crosses her arms and Yussuf notices through the mirror that she was upset.

- We're not going to fight about this, are we Yasmin?

- Who is fighting here Yussuf?

Yussuf finishes getting ready pulling Yasmin to him.

-Then he gives me a kiss.

After a month recovering from the beating she took in a public square, Samira is getting ready to marry Mohamed.

- Samira the doctor said that your wounds are already dry and that you are already discharged.

- Yes, I no longer feel pain or fever.

- Then I will send a servant sent by my cousin Abu, to take care of the preparations for our wedding together with you.

- As you wish Prince Mohamed.

- As you wish Prince Mohamed

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