75º Cap - Samira pays her sins with Mohamed

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Abu visits his cousin Mohamed and tells him during the conversation that his wife Samira committed homosexual practices in Dubai, scandalizing him.

- Allah, Allah What you are telling me is an aberration. The two had to have been punished even with death.

- Yeah, but as I already told you, Sheik Yussuf doesn't want you to kill anyone anymore, who is caught committing homosexual acts, be it a man or a woman.

- Don't tell me Abu.

- At the meeting between the princes he made that very clear and ordered us to coordinate our Emirates, but I will turn a blind eye to the punishments that you apply here, because I do not agree with what the Sheik is doing.

-Yes, but if he knows that we are not following his orders, we can be punished and severely.

- Damn this Sheik light. He's too nice even for my taste.

- We have always had strict laws, so we are respected throughout the East.

- That's not what Sheik Yussuf thinks.

- What else does the Sheik think?

– He thinks that women and men are equal and deserve respect.

- Well, here in my house, a woman has no right to anything, unless she deserves it.

- I only told you what Samira did because it was shameful and I didn't know where to stick my face when the Sheik spoke about it at Majelis' meeting in Dubai.

- He may not have punished her for it, but here she will be punished

- Do it Mohamed, don't let Samira go unpunished.

- Mohamed sends for Samira to be punished in front of everyone.

- Mohamed sends for Samira to be punished in front of everyone

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- Did you call me Mohamed?

- Yes. See that corn in the corner of the room?

- Do you want me to get them out of there?

- None of that. I want you to lift your robe and kneel to him.

- But why? What did I do?

- He committed homosexual practices in Dubai.

- I regretted Mohamed.

- You deserved the death penalty, but the Sheik was good.

- Please Mohamed, don't punish me.

- Kneel down, I said.

Samira is forced to kneel on the corn all day without eating or drinking anything.

Yussuf At Majelis' meeting.

- Would you like some Said tea?

- Yes, I do Sheik.

- Serve the other princes, please.

- I think we are too optimistic with tourism this year Sheik.

- All thanks to the countless options for leisure and sightseeing that Dubai is offering?

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