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  In the moments that followed, the duo sat in silence as the sun set in the distance and the crashing of the tides filled the dimly lit room. Dream was flooded with raging hormones that only made him want to pick George up in one swift movement and connect their lips in a lust-driven kiss. 

  He knew it was wrong to take advantage of George's vulnerability from his earlier sharing. The hurt in George's words, the pain written on his face and the safety he felt when opening up to Dream were enough to send his heart into a frenzy. He just had to look so damn good while doing it too, didn't he?

  "I don't know what to do or say to make you feel better but, I can assure you, that wasn't your fault, George," Dream soothed. 

  The softness in his tone melted George's heart as he finally allowed himself to come to terms with it and let himself believe it. He needed to hear Dream say it, only then would he have believed it. 

  George's heart pounded against his chest as he considered the consequences of his next move. He knew so much hung on the line but he needed to do it- to convince himself his feelings were real and not something in his head. He ached for closure and only Dream could give him that.

  "Dream?" He whispered, inclining his head gently to meet Dream's eyes. 


  Both their hearts pounded in their chests as it felt as though everything around them had stood still. Everything and everyone seized to exist at that moment when George leaned in and placed his lips gently on Dream's. 

  It felt like something out of a movie, except it was better. Dream's head spun at how surreal the situation was. He'd liked George for so long that he'd knocked himself down when they'd fought and now there he was, exchanging a moment of intimacy in the form of a passionate kiss. His heart pounded aggressively in his chest, only adding to the adrenaline coursing through his veins. 

  As for George, who'd constantly lied to himself over having romantic feelings for his best friend to the point that he'd dated someone else to convince himself otherwise, now wanted every passing second to be spent in this fervent exchange. How long had he ached to feel Dream's lips on his, their hands intertwined as they spent every moment wrapped in each others' arms without a care in the world about what others felt? 

  As they pulled away, their chests rising and falling with every breath, the atmosphere seemed to tense around them. Suddenly, it felt harder to breathe as the air thickened. 

  "Woah," Dream exhaled, staring into the brunette's chocolate brown eyes. 

  "Yeah," the latter chuckled. 

  No words could express the thrill of it all- the steamy session, their feelings, the fact that Sapnap had no clue about this. It only made them want it more.

  "Wanna go upstairs?" Dream suggested, his chest tightening.

  If George said 'no' then it would make for an awkward conversation they'd need to have. But, if he said 'yes', the events that would follow would be straight out of his dreams. 

  George let out an unrecognisable sound, one that resembled a squeak, but whatever it was, Dream understood as consent. He nodded, excitement flaring in him as his heart is on the verge of explosion. 

  Dream rose before extending his hand to George, grinning. The latter accepted, cheeks flaring up at the contact. Upstairs they headed, awaiting the next few moments of thrilling intimacy. 

  "Guys you should have com- OH MY GOD!" Sapnap shrieked, averting his eyes instantly on entering the room George and Dream were in, shirtless and sucking each others' faces off. 

Forbidden (Dreamnotfound) sequel to 'treasure'Where stories live. Discover now