Hem's Bridal

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Mila's POV

"Mom! Please?!!" I said.

"No Mija. Lo sieñto. I'm sorry but We can't afford them. It's $1 Million. No puedo. (I can't) " She said.

"Ughhh!!!! Fine." I said. I just tried to convince my mother of getting One Direction for my Quinceñera but I guess we don't have enough money right now.

"What about Luis Coronel?" I asked.

"Que No Mija. I can't. I'm sorry." She said as we pulled in the parking lot of Hems Bridal.

"Fine." I grumbled. I put my iPod in the back of my pocket and Got out the car and went inside.

"Hello. Welcome to Hems Bridal. How may I help you?" asked the lady. I just hate when people do that when you just walked in the store. Like Dude, Personal space.

"We are looking for Heels for my daughters Quinceñera." My mother said. I don't understand why I can't get some pink Low top converse and Go to a high top. It's the same thing from a Flat to a heel.

"Okay. Follow Me." She said. We followed her till we saw shoes. Or Heels. Whatever. All I know is that I'm not going to be able to walk in them. Those things are like 5 Freaking inches.

"What color is her dress?" She asked.

"Neon Orange with Lot's of Crystals and Jewels." Said my mom. Again. I mean, I can talk.

"Okay. I would recommend these." She said holding up a simple Silver heel.

"Come on Mija. Try it on." My mom said. I grabbed my shoe size and tried it on.

"It fits." I said.

"Aver. (Let's see.) Stand up." Said my mom. Just kill me. I stood up with ease.

"See. No problem." I said.

"Walk." She said. I took my first step and BLAM! I feel. I groaned as I hit my cheek.

"Are you okay sweetie?" Asked the lady.

"Yeah." I said standing up. I took the stupid heels off and put on my Black converse on. My mom gasped as she saw some heels.

"What about these?" My mom asked. I scrunched my nose as She showed me the heels. My mom and the lady Started a conversation but I didn't listen. That was when I saw the most beautiful pair of pink converse. I may not like heels but I am girly. I walked over to them and saw that they had jewels on the toe part of the shoe and the shoe lace had jewels also. I pulled out a size 7 which was my size.

"Do you like those?" I turned around and saw my school crush, Alejandro.

"What are you doing in here?" I asked confused.

"My mom is talking to your mom." He said. I turned to see my mom and she was talking to the lady who tried to help. Oops.

"Oh. Do you work here?" I asked. He shook his head in response

"No. My mom just doesn't trust me at home by myself." He said.

"Same." I said. I awkwardly stood there as he just looked at me.

"Mija!? Where are you?" Said my mom.

"I gotta go. I'll see you at school. But are you coming to My Quinceñera?" I asked.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world." He said as he smiled.

"Mija! Vamonos! (Let's go!)" Said my mom.

"Okay. Bye." I said while putting the shoe box down. I left the store but not without looking at him ONE more time. Ahhh! He's so cute. I walked out the store as I saw my mom getting into her blue jeep. I caught up and got in the front seat while smiling.

"Why are you so smiley?" She asked while turning on the car.

"Nothing." I said while turning on the radio to Kiss Fm.

"Win Tickets to see.... ONE DIRECTION!!!!" I screamed and turned the volume up.

"All you have to do it be the 10th caller and You win. There is 3 times you can win. One at 7:10 am, The second at 4:00 pm, and the last one at 7:00 pm. Be the lucky winner and call." I looked at the clock and it was 3:56.

"Mom! Let me see you phone!!!!" I yelled in excitement.

"Okay. Pero calm down." She said while giving me her phone. I quickly dialed Kiss Fm's number and waited for it to ring.

Ring... Ring... Ring... Ring.... Ring.... Ri-

"Hello. We are sorry but you are. Not the 10th caller. Sorry." They said. I hung up angrily and sad as I gave it back to my mom.

"Mija, Their just some boys." My mom explained. I just stared out the window and looked as the people by us passed us.


Hola Turtles! As you can tell, I Changed the FanFiction a little. I added my Heritage which is Mexican in this story. I also added, took parts out, and edited. It was HORRIBLE before.






xoxo, Gossip Girl

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