Dance Routines & Upperclassmen

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Mila's POV
"See you later Mila," said Alejandro as we parted our ways. I smiled at him and waved goodbye. I walked to the 1st floor which is where my friend's locker is at. Since she doesn't use it, I asked if I can use it. I walked to locker "157" and put in the three digit code for the locker to open.

"Boo," whispered someone in my ear. I got startled but not really scared. I turned around to see the hot senior I've been..... Talking to lately.

"Jeez you scared me Antonio," I lied as I put my hand on my heart to make it seem like I was actually scared.

"Why? Am I that ugly," he playfully asked.

"Hahaha, Very funny," I said as I crouched down to get my book and binder I needed for my last class. As I stood up straight, I looked up to see Antonio still there.

"I love the view when you crouch down," he whispered in my ear. You see, Antonio and I have a sexual friendship. No, we don't have sex, never kiss, we just try to make each other horny. I don't know, I find it quite hot actually.

"Uyyyy, I'm sure you do Papí," I replied into his ear. I pulled away and went back to getting my things from my locker when I noticed him still there. He touched my nose and I don't really like people touching my nose.

"Mmmmm, you touched my nose," I said as I scrunched my face signifying disgust. He came up behind me and I promise you, I could feel his breath on my neck which sent chills down my spine.

"I'd like to touch something else though," he whispered as his hand slowly felt my inner thigh.

"Holy fuck. This guy is making me wet now," I thought to myself as I close my eyes and my breath hitches. I slam my locker and turn around to see him with a grin.

"Papí, so do I," I replied as I pulled him closer by gripping his shirt in my hands. He put his hands on the locker above my head and growled.

"Do that again mamí," he said as I fisted his hair and pushed my body towards his. He growled as my hands tugged at his hair. I got out of our personal little space and started walking to my class, English. He followed closely behind me and squeezed my ass. I turned around and gave him a sly smirk as I went to the water fountain to get a drink of water. I made sure that he was looking when I slowly bent over to sip some water because let me tell you.... Yo Homegirl is thirsty..... And not for water. The look in his eyes was pure lust, desire, and admiration.

"Get to class Carlson," I said as I walked passed him and lightly pulling his shirt but letting go as I was by my class.

"Hi, how are you Mila," asked my English teacher, Ms. Jordan.

"Great," I replied as I smirked, seeing Antonio looking dead straight at me. I grabbed the handout that she handed to me and walked into the class. As I was looking at the board, it said "Grab an Orange English Lit book from the back of the class." Which is what I did before stopping at my friend, Andrea's desk.

"You missed it. You missed it BIG time just now," I told her as I made my way to my desk which is in front of the room.

"What did I miss," she asked.

"A lot," I replied taking a seat as te bell rang.

"Okay, team........" she started as I drifted off into lala land.
"Hello, these are your afternoon announcements," said the boy in the speakers.

"Come support the girl's volleyball team at tonight's game. Admission is just two dollars. It will be held at Mount Mary'a Gymnasium. Gooooo Wildcats," said the cheerful girl. The announcements went on and I was just waiting for the clock to tick 3:00 so that I can go to my locker and see Antonio. Okay, this is the thing, I like Alejandro but I have a tiny crush on Antonio.... Which is not good. I know, I know, "She's such a hoe, A freshman and A Senior, Never going to work out, He's using her." I'm aware of all those things but I have no idea why I like older guys. Antonio is a Senior and Alejandro is a Junior and both play Soccer. As I was thinking about them, my thoughts were interrupted by the bell. I got up and walked with my friend Andrea to my locker but she had to go to second floor for her locker.

"Okay, Bye," I said as I waved and smile at her. She waved back and headed towards the busy stairs. I made my way through the clusters of people and walked up to my locker, 157.

"Hey Mila," said my friend Karina.

"Hey Karina," I replied as I unzipped my bookbag and took my English binder and book out.

"Did we have Algebra homework," she asked as she put her Theology book into her locker which was 156.

"I don't think so, If you finished the seven problems then you should be good," I said as I organized my locker by putting the English binder in the right corner.

"Oh, Okay. I was in gym class all worried and shit," she said as she grinned. I smiled and in came Camila with Alondra, Adrianna, and Selena.

"Hey hoe," I said to Camila.

"What up," she said as she took her Theology binder out and put her English binder in. Locker 157 is not my locker, it's my friend's, Alondra's but she let me have it.

"Yo quiero serte las 50 sombras de grey, amarrarte de la cama con tape," I sang as I danced along to the rhythm. All of a sudden, Nona (Alondra) started to record me on snapchat. I continued singing as I moved my body to the rhythm. I looked up to see Antonio at his locker, looking dead straight at my body.

"Nice moves Mila," said a friendly voice. I looked to see the voice and it came from Alejandro. I stopped dancing and started to laugh.

"Thanks Alejandro," I said. Nona, Selena, Camila, and Adrianna all said their goodbyes as they made their way to the south side buses outside of the building.

"Te quiero," yelled out Nona.

"Y yo más," I yelled back. We all said our goodbyes as they walked out the door.

"So what do we have in Social Studies," asked Alejandro.

"What do you mean," I asked while smiling.

"As in homework," he replied while itching the back of his head.

"I don't think we have any homework because remember how we were barely getting introduced to the Holocaust," I explained.

"Oh, Right. Right. I forgot," he said as I closed my locker door. We both started to walk towards the main entrance and past Antonio's locker.

"I hope he doesn't see us together," I thought as Alejandro and I walked past his locker. Instead of him looking at us, he was there laughing it up with my close friend, Lindsey. I felt down a bit but I knew since day one that he's a FuckBoy, I just never wanted to admit it.

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow then Mila," said Alejandro as we walked towards the stairs that lead to the main entrance and to the office.

"Okay, Bye Alejandro, snapchat me," I replied as we both pulled in for a hug. I let go and walked towards the office but also looking at Antonio's locker to see if we was there. I looked at the wrong moment because he was walking towards the entrance and make eye contact with me. I pretended like we didn't and took my curly hair out of my face and walked to the office.

Hello Turtles. I just went to the doctor and I got a shot on my left arm so it hurts a lot :/ But this is just a filler chapter introducing Antonio, Nona (Alondra), Adrianna, and Selena.


Song of the chapter: Idk 😂






- xoxo, Gossip Girl

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2016 ⏰

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